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"My University"
Âûïîëíèëà ñòóäåíòêà
1 êóðñà
Ôàêóëüòåòà óïðàâëåíèÿ è ïñèõîëîãèè
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ïðîâåðèëà ñò. ïðåïîäàâàòåëü Ò.Â. Îáåðåìêî
Êðàñíîäàð 2005
Essay 3
Summary 8
Glossary 9
Bibliography 11
On June, 4th, 1920 at session of revolutionary committee the petition of a department of national education for opening on Kuban since autumn of 1920 of university in structure of faculties has been supported: medical, natural, sociohistorical.
On August, 9th, 1920 reception of applications of entrants in KubSU has begun. On September, 5th in solemn conditions the Kuban state university has been opened.
The university was placed in the first female grammar school. Duties of the rector were executed in the beginning by Samara professorA.V. Bagry. In 1920 the board of professors of university has selected on a post of the rector N.A.Marx.
The most numerous on structure of students and teachers of the Kuban university was sociohistorical faculty. It was planned to open the humanitarian faculty consisting of two branches: economic and historical. At the Kuban university a lot of scientific, stady-auxiliary services and establishments has been organized, the scientific university library is based.
Per 1921 the high school has been renamed into the Maximum pedagogical institute. To ithas passed all new reception of students of university.
During Great Domestic war from institute on front send awaymany teachers and students. On August, 1st, 1942 the institute has been closed.
On February, 18th, 1970 in day of opening of the Kuban university the solemn assembly took place. The generalmanagementof high school is carried out by the rector - professor V.A.Babeshko.
For years of the development the Kuban university on all basic parameters has left on the second place among universities of Northern Caucasus and now becomes the center of formation, a science and culture in edge. KubSU has entered into number 50 of leading high schools of the country
Kuban State University is a classical education institution, providing high-level fundamental theoretical education as well as deep practical knowledge.
KubSU offers 59 specialties in 16 Faculties, its graduates are employed at the leading state and joint-stock enterprises of the region, research institutes and higher education institutions, banks and courts, travel agencies and art studios, in the services sector and in the field of international activities. They develop the infrastructure of enterprises, cities and regions. They spread education, culture and science in the villages of the region, teaching schoolchildren, future University entrants, in the urban and rural areas of the Krasnodar region.
KubSU is cooperating with colleges and universities of the USA, England, France, Germany, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Korea, Vietnam, Jordan and other countries. Our graduates work in over 50 countries of the world. Our best students study at the colleges and universities of the USA, England, France, Germany, Greece, China and other countries.
KubSU constantly proves its competitiveness with the leading institutions of higher education of the world, winning a lot of international grants: CRDF (Civilian Research and Development Foundation), Tempus, Soros, Ford, MacCarthur etc. The University conducts high-level scientific research, professors from the USA, Germany, UK, Holland, Greece, Canada, France and other countries come to Kuban State University to deliver lectures and arrange seminars.
No wonder that the University rates high. In the rating list published by the newspaper Poisk of May 17, 2002 Kuban State University takes the 12th place among 80 leading higher education institutions of Russia.
KubSU is one of few higher education institutions in the South of Russia, possessing a military department where reserve officers are trained.
Having graduated from Kuban State University as high-skilled specialists, you will able to build the future of your Motherland, your own future and the future of your children in the new 21st century, the time of our country’s revival, the heyday of your skills and your talents
The University comprises 16 Faculties:
· Mathematics
· Applied Mathematics
· Physics and Technology
· Chemistry
· Biology
· Geography
· History, Sociology and International Relations
· Law
· Philology
· Romance-Germanic Philology
· Journalism
· Fine Arts and Drawing
· Architecture and Design
· Economics
· Management
Since 1997, the Social-Pedagogical Institute has been included into the KubSU structure. The Institute trains teaching personnel for educational institutions in the following specialities:
· Pedagogics and methodics of primary education
· Technology and business undertakings
· Pre-school pedagogics and psychology
· Speech therapy
· Pedagogics and psychology
· Social pedagogics
· Public relations
For over 30 years the Preparatory Department has annually admitted 120 students. The training is conducted in 54 specialities.
KubSU is the leader in the research and scientific field: over 200 grants won, 26 medals awarded at international exhibitions
http://www.kubsu.ru/index.php/eng/content/view/full/581/KubSU carries out research work on more than 120 federal scientific and technical programs, Russian and international projects. In recent years the University has won grants at a sum of more than 2,000,000 USD and the extent of scientific research, conducted by the scientists of KubSU, has doubled.
There are 13 Higher Degree Boards, including 11 Higher Doctoral Boards. More than 400 postgraduates and people working for a higher doctoral degree attend postgraduate and postdoctoral studies.
High level of scientific research held at the University can be demonstrated by 50 individual grants of the Soros Foundation awarded to the University scientists. The research results and scientific concepts are presented in hundreds of books, monographs, articles, training manuals published by the University professors and lecturers.
KubSU possesses modern facilities for conducting scientific experiments; laboratories and testing grounds in the area of Gelendzhik and the Lago-Naki plateau provide the students with the opportunities for carrying out scientific experiments and field studies. http://www.kubsu.ru/index.php/eng/content/view/full/579/
144 Professors and 506 Associate Professors teach at 90 departments. Over 1,000 lecturers work at the University, including 1 Full Member of the Russian Academy of Science, 92 Members and Associate Members of other Russian Academies, prize laureates and Honoured Scientists.
For 80 years over 85,000 specialists have graduated from KubSU, including 1,000 foreign students.http://www.kubsu.ru/index.php/eng/content/view/full/580/
Students’ life at the University is rich and interesting. The University has a tourist center, a theater club, a dance club, meetings of the University “Wiseguys and Wisecracks” Club take place regularly, sports competitions are held.
Non-residents of Krasnodar live in the University campus, which also accommodates a healthcare center.
The Students’ Organization of KubSU is one of the largest trade union organizations in the Krasnodar region. It comprises 15 trade union organizations of the University Faculties. The trade union committee consists of five boards: board for organizational issues, housing board, board on information, board on culture and education and sports and health-improving board.
activities of the trade union organization are primarily aimed at the
protection of its members’ rights, representation of their interests to the
KubSU administration.
The trade union organization has succeeded in organizing summer
vacation. Every year students have a chance to spend their vacation at the
University student camp “Raduga” at the Black Sea coast.
The Youth Cultural and Leisure Center was founded 8 years ago, and has since then held over 200 concerts, “Wiseguys and Wisecracks” games, exhibitions.
I study at faculty of management and psychology. The dean of faculty - Alexander Mihajlovich Zhdanovsky, the candidate of historical sciences, the senior lecturer, the honourable worker of the maximum vocational training of the Russian Federation. The faculty was a part of university in 1996. Before itexisted as institute at university. Preparation of experts goes on following specialities: political science, psychology, the state and municipal management, management of the personnel, social work and management of the organization.
The faculty of faculty is presented by 11 doctors of sciences, professors, 32 candidates of sciences, senior lecturers.
Special disciplines give students of knowledge on problems: strategic management and development of the organization, municipal statistics and the municipal finance, psychology of marketing, political conflictology and to negotiating process, psychology of management and public relations, management of the personnel and an estimation of the staff, psychology of social knowledge and qualitative methods in social sciences.
Students of faculty have an opportunity to receive additional qualification the translator in sphere of the professional communications. Students of faculty pass practice in bodies state and municipal authority, personnel services, the political organizations, establishments of formation bodies of social protection.
Faculties of faculty actively cooperate with the largest international centres of science on political science, psychology, management and conflictology.
In particular, with Institute of the government and social researches of the Moscow State University, Institute of sociology of the Russian Academy of Science, institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Science both other leading Russian and foreign educational institutions.
Our faculty settles down on 4 floor of new and newest cases. I study as specialities psychology, I very much like this speciality. At our faculty very good library - in it is a lot of books not only for study, but also for reading on interests.
Having ended the Kuban state university and becoming highly skilled experts, we shall define the future of the Native land, the future and the future of the children in a new 21 century on which revival of our country is necessary, blossoming of our forces, our abilities, our talent
On June, 4th, 1920 at session of revolutionary committee the petition of a department of national education for opening on Kuban since autumn of 1920 of university in structure of faculties has been supported: medical, natural, sociohistorical.
On August, 9th, 1920 reception of applications of entrants in KubSU has begun. On September, 5th in solemn conditions the Kuban state university has been opened.
The university was placed in the first female grammar school. Duties of the rector were executed in the beginning by Samara professor A.V. Bagry. In 1920 the board of professors of university has selected on a post of the rector N.A.Marx.
KubSU offers 59 specialties in 16 Faculties. I study at faculty of management and psychology. The dean of faculty - Alexander Mihajlovich Zhdanovsky, the candidate of historical sciences, the senior lecturer, the honorable worker of the maximum vocational training of the Russian Federation. The faculty was a part of university in 1996. Before it existed as institute at university. Preparation of experts goes on following specialties: political science, psychology, the state and municipal management, management of the personnel, social work and management of the organization. I study on a specialty psychology. I consider{count} that my specialty very interesting. I very much like our teachers. As it is pleasant to me that each holiday is marked{celebrated} at our faculty. At us very good library. I consider{count} that specialties of our faculty the most demanded for today. I am proud of that that I study here.
Activities Äåéñòâèÿ
Administration Àäìèíèñòðàöèÿ
Annually Åæåãîäíî
Campus Óíèâåðñèòåòñêèé ãîðîäîê
Carries Íåñåò
Classical Êëàññè÷åñêèé
College Êîëëåäæ
Comprises Âêëþ÷àåò
Consisting Ñîñòîÿ
Cooperate Ñîòðóäíè÷àòü
Cooperating Ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî
Development Ðàçâèòèå
Discipline Äèñöèïëèíà
Doctoral degree Äîêòîðñêàÿ ñòåïåíü
Experiment Ýêñïåðèìåíò
Faculties Ôàêóëüòåòû
Fundamental Ôóíäàìåíòàëüíûé
Graduated Äèïëîìèðîâàííûé
Included Âêëþ÷åííûé
Individual ×åëîâåê
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International grants Ìåæäóíàðîäíûå ãðàíòû
Leader Ëèäåð
Lecture Ëåêöèÿ
Management Óïðàâëåíèå
Medal Ìåäàëü
Methodic Ñèñòåìàòè÷åñêèé
Modern Ñîâðåìåííûé
Monograph Ìîíîãðàôèÿ
Opportunity Âîçìîæíîñòü
Organization Îðãàíèçàöèÿ
Pedagogical institute Ïåäàãîãè÷åñêèé èíñòèòóò
Political Ïîëèòè÷åñêèé
Practical Ïðàêòè÷íûé
Professor Ïðîôåññîð
Project Ïðîåêò
Protection Çàùèòà
Protection Çàùèòà
Qualification Êâàëèôèêàöèÿ
Rector Ðåêòîð
Schoolchildren Øêîëüíèêè
Scientific Íàó÷íûé
Seminar Ñåìèíàð
Specialist Ñïåöèàëèñò
Specialties Îñîáåííîñòè
Student Ñòóäåíò
Teacher Ïðåïîäàâàòåëü
University Óíèâåðñèòåò
Vacation Êàíèêóëû
1. Êóáàíñêèé óíèâåðñèòåò. Ìàòåðèàëû ïî èçó÷åíèþ èñòîðèè âóçà.Êðàñíîäàð,1987.
2. Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture Pearson Educated Limited, 1998.
3. www.kubsu.ru
4. http://manag.kubsu.ru
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