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Place and role of political relations in the aggregate of public relations — Иностранный язык


1. Most important of relationships in the aggregate of social relations

2. How political sphere to other spheres of society

3. The value of political relations in the aggregate of social relations




Society is a system of relations. Public relations - is varied relationships that arise between people in the course of their activities in various spheres of public life. Public relations can be classified according to their object, subject and nature of relations between them. The nature distinguish, for example, and neantahonistychni antagonistic relationship. In the basis of the first lie, antagonistic contradictions such as that can only be resolved by the destruction of both or even one of them. Neantahonistychni contradictions underlying neantahonistychnyh relations are solved without destroying the parties.

society public relations

1. Most important of relationships in the aggregate of social relations

Most forms of social relations - economic, political, ideological, legal, moral, domestic, etc. - to distinguish on the basis of their objects. Thus, economic relations - a relationship that consists of about ownership of the means of production, during the manufacture and distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods. Political relations made about power in society and in its operation. Ideological relationship is about ideas and opinions that reflect the specific social interests. Legal relations made on legal norms, moral - about the standards of morality and so on. The subjects of these social relations can be individuals, social community, various organizations and others.

Unlike other kinds of social relations the main feature of social relations is that they are distinguished by their subjects - individuals and social communities of people as those formed objective process of historical development. Variety of social relations is the class, national, demographic and other relations. They may comprise about different objects - property, power, ideas of law and more.

Together, these important social relationships that constitute the main contents of the main areas of public life - economic, social, political and spiritual. This economic, social, political and socio-cultural (ideological, moral, aesthetic, religious) relations. They are closely related and are in a certain dependence, which is interpreted differently [3].

Marxist materialist understanding of social relations is that they are divided into primary - material, basic and secondary - ideological, nadbudovchi. Main, determinant recognized material - economic and industrial relations. Determined the nature of their productive forces of society and does not depend on the will and consciousness of people. Ideological social relations - political, legal, moral, etc. - appear at the material social relations and are designed as add-on them, previously passed through the mind of people.

Economic relations are not directly determine policy, and through social, first class, relations. Social relations are the closest to the political, because politics is primarily their purpose the coordination of social interests. Political relations, in turn, are crucial to social and cultural - ideological, moral and so on. Economic - social - political - social and cultural relations - in that order they are defined in the Marxist interpretation. However, Marxism recognizes and reverse the impact of public relations, which, however, is not determinative, and the close relationship all their varieties.

Marxism's opponents deny this dependence of public relations and emphasize the special role of political and moral relations. M. Weber, for example, in work "The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism" (1905) I brought the characteristic features of capitalist production relations of the features of the Protestant ethic.

Marxist interpretation of social relations is the interaction, in particular, that underlines the special and decisive role of economic relations. Is evident, for example, the dependence of democracy on the level of society in economic development. Representatives of the so-called developmentalistskoho (from France. Developpement, Eng. Development - development) directly believe that underdeveloped economy objectively determines the centralization of power, strengthening authoritarian tendencies, while economic growth contributes to pluralistic democracy.

Even if the negative attitude towards Marxism should recognize that the relationship of means of production, which are crucial in the economic relations are the basis of division of society into classes, and class division, in turn, has considerable influence on policy. Thus, the absolute majority of the capitalist countries is the main political opposition between bourgeois and workers' parties. Requirements of the appropriate types of services to meet the ideology of [2, 168-169].

2. How political sphere to other spheres of society

But class is not always a factor in determining policy. A great role it can play the ethnic, demographic, occupational, regional, religious and other factors of policy - is the interaction of many different factors. While depending on the economy, which created the material means to implement government policy makes a significant reverse effect on her. And if the impact on economic policy to some extent mediated social relations, the reverse impact of policy on the economy is the direct [3].

Ideally, policies on the economy should be based on the conscious use of economic laws of social development. In this case, it promotes economic progress. However, the policy can be made and contrary to such laws as a result - to cause destruction of the economy, poverty, social polarization of society and other negative consequences. Sooner or later, this policy fails and has to take into account the objective economic realities. Finally, the policy can in certain directions to harass the economic development and pushing it to others. Under any conditions influence policy on the economy already felt that it is the solution to economic problems.

The policy is closely linked with the spiritual spheres of public life. Yes, Culture defines society face cultural policy, its relationship with history, human knowledge. It is also necessary moral assessment and policy guidance: it can be more or less moral or immoral at all.

Particularly close relationship with the ideology of politics. If morals, culture or religion affect politics mostly indirectly, the ideology merges with it directly. Politics is inseparable from the consciousness of society and people, their interests and needs, goals and outlook. Real politics is in a collision of ideas parties who are creators and bearers of ideology [4].

3. The value of political relations in the aggregate of social relations

Political relations, therefore, closely related to other kinds of public relations. Is intimately and directly link them with social and ideological relations, the first of which determine the nature and contents policy, and some serve its ideological justification. Being influenced by other kinds of social relations, political relations, politics have a huge impact on reverse these other relationships, largely determining the content and character.

The close connection policy with other areas of social life creates a problem as the acceptable limits of policy space in which it can scale should affect these areas. Violation of these limits leads to undesirable, and often in extreme manifestations, and the disastrous results - excessive politicization, and in connection therewith and ideological, not political and neideolohichnyh areas, life, consciousness. The result will be ideological economy, culture, science, art, law and so politicized.

Limitations of the regulatory impact of any non-political and neideolohichnyh spheres of social life leads to excessive penetration in these areas of policy and ideology as the most expansive areas. Only politically neutral areas, such as culture, morality and science to some extent, can not be redundant if they penetrate into other spheres - economy, law, politics, ideology, etc..

In stable democracies, the functional relationship with other policy areas is ongoing dynamic nature of the clearly pronounced tendency to decrease the role of politics as a regulator of social relations. Instead, increasing regulating role of economic, moral, cultural and other factors not related to power. Conversely, in an unstable society, especially in transition, increasing the role of political methods of regulating social relations, strengthened authoritarian tendencies. A decrease of the regulatory impact of economic, moral and cultural factors [1, 43].


In each society, its political system and its corresponding political ideas, perceptions, political consciousness does not exist in isolation, as something separate, written from the outside. Speaking as a set of major political institutions that arise and act on the basis of certain political ideas, whether political system of the society and its related ideas continuously interact with each other and exert a permanent effect on social relations.

The importance of the political system is what it is a core social, economic and spiritual life of society here by the will clash and coordination of various social forces are decisions that can affect various aspects of public relations.

List of sources

1. Breheda AY Politics: navch. method. Guide to Random. Study. discitis. / AY Breheda. - K.: MBK, 1999. - 108 sec.

2. Politics modeling training I. / I. modeling training, KN Levkovsky, VPAndrushchenko et al.; For common. yet. I. modeling training, KN Levkovskoe. - K.: High School, 1998. - 304 sec.

3. Essence of political relations [electronic resource] / political science and politics. - Mode of access: http://gospolit.ru/?p=272.

4. Shlyahtun PP Place of political relations in the system of social relations [electronic resource] / P. Shlyahtun. / / Politics (Theory and History of Political Science). - Mode of access: http://politics.ellib.org.ua/pages-1859.html.

INTRODUCTION 1. Most important of relationships in the aggregate of social relations 2. How political sphere to other spheres of society 3. The value of political relations in the aggregate of social relations Conclusions REFERENCE




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