, . "marketing-mix" "", : (product), (price), (promotion), (place), "" (processing). , , , , , , . ( , , ), (, , ) . . , , . , . - , , .
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FTP-Commander FTP (File Transfer Protocol). (FTP-), . , , . FTP ;
ReGet : FTP- http- ; . 17 , ;
Website Extractor Web- . , , , . 100 , . . Web- (URL) Web-, . proxy- ;
WWW Jet Triton Web- ; ; proxy; JS, VBS, ; , . ;
FastDownload HTTP/FTP/HTTPS (128- ). : 20 , ; "" ; ; download-;
FlashGet "", . , . . , , . , HTTP/FTP-;
WebCopier Web- off-line. , , . , . proxy-, , JavaScript, ;
Way , . , ;
Advanced Direct Remailer (), . SMTP . (, CSV, SQL-), Windows; (), , COM/ActiveX; , ( ODBC SQL MS SQL Oracle MS Excel) CSV. proxy- Socks5 IP- (stealth mailing), , Windows NT/2000;
Active Email Monitor Active Email Monitor, , . , . , ( ). . . , , ;
AutoMail , Windows;
dMail Monitor , UUPC-. . , ;
FileSender . . , . . ;
MailSend Plus . ( SMTP- ) . ;
MAPInotify: Shadow of Power Microsoft Exchange, . . Outlook 9x/2000, Outlook Express Microsoft Mail;
The Bat , . , , - . , , , , PGP, -, 17 ;
Internet Explorer Microsoft. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), Java-Script;
Netscape Communicator Netscape;
ICQ 2000b , , , , -.
, , , , , , , , . . , . , .
. , 50-60%, 5~7%. . , , , - , , .
, , .
, (). , , - , - , , .
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" " ( "") 1991 . , . 1996 . - "" (www.mir.glasnet.ru). 1997 . on-line "". 1998 . www.icsmir.ru. "" " " ( "").
, , , . , 50 . on-line.
, (, , , , ), , , , , .
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, , , , (), (), "", ", " (&), "" (RBC), "" ( ), "-", "-", (), "-", " ", "", "", " ", "-", "", "--", "" .
, , " ", "", " ", "-" .
, : "" (Reuters), "- " (Dow Jones Telerate), "" (Tenfore) "" (Bloomberg).
"" . 1851 . , . , , "" , : Reuters iScreen; RXpress; " 1000"; " "; " "; Deal Sputnik.
Reuters iScreen , , , . iScreen Connect CIS on-line , ; ; ; ; ; ; .
" 1000" , , . : , , , . " I (100" : - - , , ; , ; , , , , , ; ; , , , -. .
" " . 4 . . , , , - - . , .
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- "" (), 1992 . - . www.rbc.ru. 200 . . 700 . . , , , , , . : on-line (RBCNews; " "; " "; RBC News-SPb ( - ); AFXNews); on-line (RBCWin; RBC Workstation (JAVA-); HTML); " on-line"; RBC Graf; " " () on-line; - ( "-", " on-line"); ( " "; " "; " "; " " ); , ( " "); " "; .
"&" 45 20 . , , , , , , , . "&" : "AK&M-LIST"; web- "AK&M-LIST" ; "& Online-News"; "& -"; " : , , "; " . "; " "; " "; " "; ; ". . "; " "; , , ; "&".
"AK&M-LIST" ( 3,2 ) , , - 1993 . . : ( 3500); , ; ; ; ( 300 ); ; , .
"" . 1994 . : (): " "; " "; " " ( real-time); " "; " "; "" ( ); (-).
"-" 1996 . "-" "-" - "". - , , , , , , , , , .
"", Interfax Information Services, , , . 1989 . "" , Reuters, Bloomberg, Bridge, Dow Jones.
-. - INTERSHOP, "", UlterShop, "1:" .
Interdesign, - ( $800 $1600), : ; ; ; ; ( ); ; ; ; , ; ; ; .
"" -, . "" Web-, - , , - .
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, . "" -. , . . , , , . -, - .
MS Excel. . - "" , , . , , .
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: http://www.it.ru/.
UlterShop - . -. Java UlterShop (UNIX, SunOs, Windows NT, Windows 98 .), , , . SQL (MS SQL Server, MS Access, Oracle, PostgreSQL .), Web- MS Internet Information Server, Apache .
UlterShop , , . , UlterSulte. .
UlterShop . , MS Office .
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@Rus http:// www.atrus.ru
AsianNet - http:// www.asiannet.com/
About.com , http:// about.com/
AltaVista , - http:// www.altavista.com/
Altavista Ru http://www.altervista;ru/
Ananzi South Africa http:// www.an anzi.co.za/
Anzwers Search Centre , . Asia Pacific Search Engines http://www.anzwers.com.au/
AQUALANG http://aqualang.sici.ru/
ArabiaWeb http://www.arabiaweb.com/
ART PLUS , , http://www.artplus.da.ru/
Asia Online . http://www.asiadragons.com/
Ask Jeeves , http:// www.askjeeves.com/
Audiofind Multimedia Search Engine . , http://www.audiofind.com/
BBS GUIDE http://bbs.promo.ru/index.html
Beaucoup Search Engines 1200 , . http://www.beaucoup.com/
Belsonet http://www.belsonet.net/sonet/default.htm
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EEVL , http:// www.eevl.ac.uk/
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Europe Online The European Portal to the Internet , , . http:// www.europeonline.com/
EuroSeek 40 . http:// www.euroseek.com/page7ilang = ru
Excite http:// www.excite.com/
FAST MP3 Search . , , . http://mp3.lycos.com/
History Channel . - http:// www.historychannel.com/
Illegal Resousez http://tanatos.adicom.ru/illegal/
Infoseek http:// infoseek.go.com/
Internet Market http://www.inmarket.ru/
Lycos http://www.lycos.com/
MAFIA's TOP100 . - http:// www.mafia.ru/toplOO/
Mamma: Mother of All Search Engines http://www.mamma.com/
MAX.RU http:// www.max.ru/web/
Oingo , , http:// www.oingo.com/
Omen 10 000 http://omen.ru
Rambler . http://www.rambler.ru
The Ultimates , , , e-mail http:// www.theultimates.com/
TOPRANKS International http: // eurorank.hypermart.net/
Yahoo http:// www.yahoo.com/
Yandex http:// www.yandex.ru/
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