. , , ,



, , , Cell Dara ' ' (. Kildare), , - . , , , 524 . (. Cogitosus) .

, , , - , . . (Coluim Chille). , -, , . , . - , . , . , , . : , , - , . .

. , . , Vita I, Vita Prima, Vita II. - Vita III, Bethu Brigde (BB). . (Vita I) 650 725 . :

...Respondit Brigita: In urbe Romana iuxta Petri & Pauli corpora audivi Missas, & nimis desidero, ut ad me istius ordo & universa regula deferatur a Roma. Tunc misit Brigida viros sapientes, & detulerunt inde Missas & regulam. [Bethu Brigte 1978, XXIV]

"... : , , , . ".

[Bethu Brigte 1978, XXIV]. , , . . (Vita II), , , . . Vita I . Vita I IX ., , [Sharpe 1982, 82; McCone 1982, 108; Bethu Brigte 1978, XXIV]. 8 ; , [Bethu Brigte 1978, XXVI-XXVII].

, , - . , . , , , (). ( ). , , - . , .

- , , , . , - : - , - . , . , , , :

, . , " , - , - : , (immundus)". [] . [Bethu Brigte 1978, 5]

- . , , , . , : , , . , , . , :

: " , , . , . , , , . - . [Bethu Brigte 1978, 24]

, , [ 7, 12, 21] , . , , . , . - :

: " ? - . - . , . . , , , ? ". . . ". ". : , ; , , , , , . . , . [Bethu Brigte 1978, 21]

- . . -. , , . [Kenny 1966, 367], :

, ,

"" . [Bray 1987]. M. Ma , , , , (, , ). .

- , , . . , , , , . . , , : , . , , . , , , , . : , .

: Medb "", .. , . : , , . , . , .

524 . . . Cill Dare (. ' '; . Kildare) . Brigit .

, , - 1 , Imbolc, imb- (. '') folgaid '', .. - '', bolg ''. , , . -*melc, , s.v. imbolc; Olmsted 1994,. 124; Vendryes 1924].

. , , , . (-. Brigit) : " " , ; , . - . , , " " "" , , [O'hOgain 1994, 60]. . , [Ross 1967]. , / , , - "-", ( ) , , , .

. :

Brigit .i. banfile ingen in Dagdae. Isi insin Brigit b n-xe .i. banda no adratis filid. Ar ba romr 7 ba ron a frithgnam. Ideo eam deam uocant poetarum. Cuius sorores erant Brigit b legis 7 Brigit b goibne ingena in Dagda... [Meyer 1921, 6 150]

", .. . - , .. , . . . - , ..."

. , . [Vendryes 1952, 233-246]. ; [O' hOgain 1994, 283-285]. , "" . , , -, .

Brigit *bhrghnti ', ', - *bhergh- ', ' (Pok. 139); brhati ', ', [ 1993]. brzant-, .. brzanti ', -' , Mithrm ahurm brzantm Ardvim Sutam Anahitam [Bartholome 1904, . 960]. *bhrghnti - Burgund, Burgundiones Purgunt. - Brigantia, , "" -ia i- [Olmsted 1994,359].

: Brigantes , . ; : Lacus Brigantinus, . , Brigach Brege, . Brianon, Bregenz, Breisach, , Brigantium, - . , , . ; Ui Brigti (.. " ") < . * Brigeddii < *Brigant. ( [Rees 1961, 161]): Da ingen Celtchair .i. Brigit dia tat Hui Brigten na nDeisse... " [] - [ ] , [] ..." [?'Brian 1976, 130 b 7; cp. Pokorny 1953,. 105].

- *bhrghnti , , , . , brhant- '', mahant- '' rhant- '', , , [ 1976, 119]. Brigantii '[] '; , : Dumnonii, Albiones . , , *bhergh-, (Pok. 140-141). -e/o-nt-, (. uttar ''- uddanant- ' ') [, 1984, 302 .], , . . , " , , , -, , ; ." [ 1938, 268]

, [Stokes 1891, Gray 1983, 119], - Brig, Par-ga /brga/, .. . *brigi-s < *brgi-s (*brga *Breg). "" [CIL 1II, 6328]: MATRIBUS BRIGEACIS (Pealba de Castro), -eac-, , -iaco-, Brigiani (, DEO BRIGANTU (dat.sg. *Brigantos) Brigantion > . Brianon-sur-Durance) Braye ( ) < *Brigia.

Brig/Brigit/Brigantia ', ' - -. br, . bre, . -briga < *briga < *bhrgha, . , ', -, , -' . , , () [Ross 1967, 289]. La Bride nam brig ban ' ', , , , Bride bhoildheach oigh nam mile beus " , " [Carmichael 1928, 166, 169; Olmsted 1994, 165].

, , (/ - /), ( ) [ 1996]. , .. /, * bherg-/bhreg- *bheregh- . (Pok. 139, 140), , . , *Brignti, *Brigonos, *Brigis *briga ', ', *brigs '', *brg- < - *bhereg- ''; -. bricht ' ' < *brigtu- < *bhrgtu- - *bherg- ', ' ( . -. arkah '' '', arcati '', '' [LEIA, B-89]). Brixta brictia ( *brixta?), brictom (acc.sg.), brigid '', , , Ber(ch)ta / Perhta. .. [ 1997, 92-94] / . , , . , , , . -. bri, '', '', , [DIL, s.v.].

. , , , , U Bairrche <* aui Barrekion, *Barreka (..) *Barrekos (..); c Dire Barrach [O'Brian 1976, 117 b 1] (Dire <*dhario- '' ( ) . () M(ARTI) BARRECI, , , , ( ) Brigantia/*Brigonos, -. Barrach *brs-eko-, -. barr , . bar, . barro- '' (- *bhar-/bhor- '' [de Bernardo Stempel 1987, 82].

, "" Arduenna/Arduinna '', . Arduenna, , Ardvi (. rdva- '', . arduus .), : - *ered- ', ' (Ardvi [Bartholomae 1904, . 195]. Brigit Boand, Bo(f)ind, - . ???????? < *bouo-uinda ' '. / , ; - [O' hOgain 1991, 49]. Find', (. Find File, Morand'a < *mor-find ). - . Verbeia, -. ferb, - '', '' ' ( )'. , Verbeia - . -. fiss ', ' find '' - *ueid- ', ' (*uid-tu- *ui-n-do- .), , , . , -, *Brignti *Bououinda , .

. , , , , , . Ÿ ( Tiprais Segsa, ) / , - - '' - Albios, Vindos, Findbennach .. / , *dheu-, *dub(no)-, *wel- . , , . - , (Vac).

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.. , , , Cell Dara ' ' (. Kildare), , - .




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