III 1955 . , . - , . - , .
- ( ) .
, alma mater . ... , , , ...
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1983 Lisa Apple, - , , - . "" , 1984 Lisa Macintosh "" 100 . Apple Microsoft - - , Word Excel, Macintosh.
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Windows 1.0, , . , , . , Windows 1.0 , . 1986. 13 . Microsoft 21 , 28 . 61 . 18 . " - " " " " " Microsoft Excel PC Macintosh, " ", " " " " - Microsoft Windows.
1987. . Microsoft IBM OS /2. 8 . Microsoft - - Bookshelf. 6 . Excel Windows.
1988. 23 . Microsoft Mouse. 31 . OS /2, 1.1 Presentation Manager. . 48 % Microsoft. Excel for Windows 2.0 - IBM- - , Microsoft , LOTUS. , Excel , , . 1987. 9 . Windows 2.0. , . 80826 , DOS 640 . 1988 2.1, Windows 286. 9 1987 . Windows 386 - Windows 2.0, Intel; Windows 3.0.
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OS /2 Microsoft Windows, IBM OS /2. IBM , Microsoft Windows. Windows 3.0, 3 ( 1987 300 OS /2. ), . , , , , , " Microsoft ".
1988 Digital Research DR-DOS, , , MS-DOS . Windows, DR-DOS , 94- .
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Windows NT, 3.1, , ; , . Windows NT , API- Win32, . OS /2 3.0, .
Windows NT Microsoft - 15- Novell. 96- Microsoft Windows NT Server, Novell - NetWare 3.x 4.x. Microsoft Novell , Novell, . Novell , Novell 1986 . Microsoft , Windows NT . 100 . Microsoft, Windows NT. . 1994. 1 . Microsoft. 28 . Microsoft SOFTIMAGE Inc., - - . 8 . Windows, "", - Microsoft Windows 95. 14 . Microsoft, "Wher do you want to go today?"
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24 " "; . .
1996. . 25 Windows 95. 2 . 12 . Microsoft ActiveX. 12 . America Online Microsoft - AOL Microsoft Internet Explorer Web 5 . 25 . MSN (The Microsoft Network) 1 . 2 . Microsoft Exchange Server - . 9 . Digital, MCI Microsoft : , , MCI. 16 . Microsoft Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 , . 30 . - Microsoft Explorer 3.0. 4 . Microsoft "Normandy" - Internet-. , Internet Web-. 11 . Microsoft eShop Inc., Internet. 13 . - (. , ) Microsoft intranet. , , - Microsoft Office 97 Web-, Dirctory Server, Internet intranet, Windows NT Server 4.0, Normandy Internet-. 17 . - Microsoft SNA Server 3.0. 26 . - - Microsoft Windows NT, "Katapult". 15 . - MSNBC Cable. 15 . Microsoft - Visual Java++.
31 Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, 3.51: Windows 95, , , WEB- Internet Information Server. C , Unix, , , Windows NT .
1996. Microsoft OEM Service Release 2 (OSR2) for Windows 95, , . Windows 95. "" Windows 98 OSR2, FAT32, , Dial-Up Networking. OSR2 Internet Explorer 3.3 - Microsoft. 1997. 23 . - Windows NT 5.0 . , . - 1997 . 25 . Microsoft Windows 98 - Windows . Windows 98 Internet Explorer 4.0 - USB ACPI.
c Windows 98 Windows 3.11. , Windows 98 - Windows 95, Internet Explorer 4.0, , . ,. "". , , ,. Windows NT, Windows .
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1998 Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh - Office 97. - Mac' "" Microsoft.
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1. . . ... ., 2001
2. .. , . ., , 1997
3. .. , . ., 1998
4. .. , .. DOS ., 2001
5. .. , .,1997
6. .. ʻ ., 1998
Microsoft III 1955 . ,
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