Pseudomonas diminuta:
() , (Reddy, Prasad, 1990). - , , , , (Nagase et al., 1994). , , , ( ., 1977).
, , , - , , , Pseudomonas, (Rehder, 1991). , , 2 (Popper et al., 1991).
SH- : , (, 1977). - (). 10 . - 250 , p , p (Ang, Wong, 1992). , ( ., 1995).
Ps. diminuta , SH- - (Eh) .
, Ps. diminuta ( ., 1998). 25-27 , 100 1 / (pH 7,2).
Ps. diminuta SH- 24 0 50 -HCl , pH 7,6, 10 Serva () , <10-15 . , SH- .
540 Hitachi (), U-2000. 4-(2-)-. . 520 24500-1-1. (Lowry et al., 1951). (5,5'-(2-) ) ( ., 1977) 412 11400-1-1. pH Eh Cole-Parmer (), DigipHase, pH Ag/AgCl Radiometer (); Eh Pt-, - Ag/AgCl ( ); , (Barsky, Samuilov, 1979), 22510 . , Eh Eh .
. 1. Ps. diminuta; 1 - ; 2, 3 - 100 700 / .
Ps. diminuta, , 100-700 /, , ; 2x107 / 12-16 (. 1). 700 / Ps. diminuta 30-40%. 100 /, , .
(-) - Pseudomonas ( ., 1988) , . . . , ( ., 1994; ., 1997).
. 2. (1) (2) Ps. diminuta.
, Ps. diminuta, 2 0 5-6 / , 10 (. 2, 1). . Ps. diminuta 100 10-12 /, ; 60% (. 2, 2). , c : .
, . SH- ; , , , , , ..
, SH- . . 10 , (Obata et al., 1994). SH- ( ., 1993). Anacystis nidulans II , ( ., 1995). , . . 7-10 ( 30%) (Kagi, 1993). Ps. fluorescens Zn . . 1-3,5 . (Appana, Whitmore, 1995). Ps. diminuta . 1 , SH- Ps. diminuta .
. 3. (1, 2) SH- (3, 4) Ps. diminuta. 1, 3 - ; 2, 4 - 100 / .
. 3 Ps. diminuta , 12 50 / ( 1). 450 / ( 2). ( ., 1993; ., 1995) (Gachot et al., 1994).
SH- , , Ps. diminuta (. 3, 3 4); SH- , 8-9 . SH- ( SH-, ), SH- , pH 7, (Barsky et al., 1984). , pH Ps. diminuta 7 8,5; pH 0,3-0,5 , .
. 4. Eh Ps. diminuta. 1 - ; 2 - 100 / .
SH- Ps. diminuta Eh . Eh (180-200 ) 6-8 , (. 4, 1). Eh 80 - 90 ( 2). Eh , - 0 . , , 1,4-, SH- , -330 pH7; - , 2-, . ( ., 1991).
, , - 50 250 . (. 5) Eh 200 ( 2), Eh 300 200-400 ( 3).
. 5. Eh SH- , 20 (pH 7,0).
. 5 Eh SH- ( 1). , Eh 200 100 SH- 20 120 . Eh (. 4) SH- (. 3) Ps. diminuta.
, Ps. diminuta, SH- Eh , , Ps. diminuta , SH- , .
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