. , , ,


revibacterium methylicum , - —

revibacterium methylicum , ՠ -.


. .

. .. , . , . , .86.


- L-- B. methylicum. , -, , 3/CD3OD , , 24,5 . % D2O 98 .% D2O. - N--5-- () . , 27,5 95 % D2O . , () , , ().

() [1,2]. , , - , . - , (), - (), de novo, [3,4].

. [5] Chlorella , , . , , , L- [6-8].

, , , , [9]. 1 - - , D2O. , , .

B. methylicum [10]. - , , , L- L-.

B. methylicum , 3/CD3OD D2O .


. L-- B. methylicum, L-. () - .

(. .1) .., D2O (99,9% D) D3D (97,5 %D), - (-, ). , . N--5- () (Sigma, C) . N- (erck, ).

. methylicum 9 [11] [10].

- (2:1) [12].

. (4-5 ) 5 4 . Ba(OH)2 24 110 0. 20 . 2 . H2SO4 (10 000 /, 5 ). 400 .

. 200 5 2 . NaHCO3 (2 10-3 ) 9-10 320 (1,2 10-3 ) 5 . 400 , 2 . HCL 3,0 (3 5 ). 7,0, , 10 . . .

B. methylicum [9].

. ʠ 20 40 %- 40 3 15-20 . 7,0, NaSO4 .

L- Beckman DU-6 () 540 , [10].

- MB-80A (Hitachi, ) 70 .


- - .

B. methylicum 2 .% 3 (D3OD), D2O 1. , , - . , B. methylicum .


B. methylicum L- .

𠠠 , % 䠠 .

ࠠ -

2Π 22Π 3͠ 232͠ % L-Phe,

1 98 0 2 0 24,0 100 2,2 100
2 98 0 0 2 30,3 92,3 2,4 99,1
3 73,5 24,5 2 0 32,1 90,6 2,4 96,3
4 73,5 24,5 0 2 34,7 85,9 2,6 97,1
5 49,0 49,0 2 0 40,5 70,1 3,0 98,0
6 49,0 49,0 0 2 44,2 60,5 3,2 98,8
7 24,5 73,5 2 0 45,8 56,4 3,5 90,4
8 24,5 73,5 0 2 49,0 47,2 3,8 87,6
9 0 98,0 2 0 60,5 32,9 4,4 79,5
10 0 98,0 0 2 64,4 30,1 4,9 71,5


- -, [13]. .1 . - , , +. m/z 412. , (. . 1). , , () . , - - m/z 250, 234, 170, N-.

- , , . - - . , , - , --. N- -NH2- , - - , 14 [14]. . 2, - 5 (. .1, 5), D2 49 .% ( (), ). .2, , (+. m/z 414,2) (+. m/z 412,0) 2,2 , 27,5 % . m/z 400, - (.2,) -3 .

- , , 73,5 .% D2Π 2 . % 3 . 3,. - - +. m/z 416,1 ( 412 ) 4,1 , .., 51,2 % (. 3,). , de novo, . . , , . () NH2-, NH-, -COOH , D2O. , , , .. , () - . .

B. methylicum (), ( 3-5 ) , () (., 3,). .3,, 2,5 , -3,5 , ()-4,6 . , , D2O ( 49 .% 98 .%).

, 2% D3OD ( 2, .1) , D3OD. 413 ( 4 %, - ). , - , . , , D3OD, --OD D3OH. D3OH , , . , , [15].

, , L- , , , L- . L- , . , , , 98 .% D2 2 .% 3, ( ) (+. m/z 418 412) (- . 3,). , , , . , - m/z 97 ( 91 ), , 1-6 b. , .

- B. methylicum.

, . .4, ( () - , , 49 .% D2O 2 .% 3͠ (.1, (5)). .4, - , . 49 %- D2O 36,2 % L- 45,0 % L- (. 4,).

, , B. methylicum, , . B. methylicum, , 98 .% D2O 2 .% D3D (.1, (10)) 2. 2, , , , 90 % 97,5 % . L- , 95 % ( 8 ). , () (49 %) , . -, , de novo , .


B. methylicum, , 98 .% D2O 2 .% D3OD.

, (+.)

(+.), 98 % D2O 2 % CD3OD.

, %
Dns-Gly-OMe 322,2 324,0 90,0
Dns-Ala-OMe 336,4 340,3 97,5
Dns-Val-OMe 364,5 368,5 50,0
Dns-Leu(Ile)-OMe 378,5 383,4 49,0
Dns-Phe-OMe 412,0 419,6 95,0
Dns-Asp-OMe 394,5 396,5 66,6
Dns-Tyr-(Dns)-OMe 662,0 668,5 92,8
Dns-Lys-(Dns)-OMe 627,1 632,4 58,9

, B. methylicum - , . , . , B. methylicum .


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Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology named after .V. Lomonosov, 117571.


The data on biosynthesis of deuterated amino asids using the L-phenylalanine producing strain of facultative methylotrophic bacterium B. methylicum are presented. Amino acids with varying levels of isotope enrichment as secreted into culture medium during fermentation and amino acids derived from protein hydrolyzates of B. methylicum were obtained via bioconvertion of 3/CD3OD on media containing various concentrations of heavy water (including 24,5 v/v. D2O % up to 98 v/v. % D2O). For studying of levels of isotope enrichment the method of electrom impact mass-spectrometry of methyl esters of dansylamino acids was employd. The level of isotope enrichment of phenylalanine secreted into cultural medium as well as phenylalanine derived from protein hydrolizates was varried from 27,5% to 97,5 % (in dependence on biosynthesis conditions). It was shown, that during fermentation the amount of other amino acids such as alanine, valine, and leucine(isoleucine) can be produced and accumulated in culture medium in addition to the main product of biosynthesis (phenylalanine).

revibacterium methylicum , ՠ -. . . . .. , .




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