. , , ,




, , , , - . , 蔠 .

, . , . ࠠ , , .

, , . , , , , . , , , , .

, .

, , . , , , , .

, .

, : (: , : pace querra ( ), : day night, : lang kurz, : olumlu menfi ( ), : pobre rico ( ) ), . , , , : .A. , .. , .., .., .., .. .

, , , .

, , . : .., .., .. , .., .. ..

, , . , .

, .


1. , , .

2. .

3. .

4. NOT, .

5. .

6. , .

- , . , , .

, , : , . , .

1. : .

1.1 .

. , [19; 371] . -. , , , , , [12;486] .

. , () [22; 35]. - , : , .

( conversio- , ) [ 22; 234-235].

1.2 .

: ( contrarius - ) ( complementum )[15; 9 12].



(. 1) X Y, , Z, , , , : , .


. 2

(. 2) X Y, , , , : . , : . : ( , , ), .

. , , ( ): , , [3;64].

, , , , , , .

.. , , : , , , , , , . , [15;9-12].

, , , ( , good bad, , kind mean) ( - , come in come out). ( , alive dead), ( , possible impossible), ( , easy hard ) ( , begin stop) . , :

1.         , , .

2.         , , .

3.         , , .

4.         , , .

5.         , , .

6.         , , .

- . , , .

. : , possible impossible.

(, ..) : .

, , : , come in come out.

: .

, . , , , : , , , ..



2.1 .

, . : , .

.. , , , , [2;45]. , , , , ( , ), ( , ) [2;45]. , . , . . : -, , . -, , , . , , , .

, , . . , ; : - , .

- :



(. , .)

() , , , , ( ) .

2.2 .

.. , : [11;7-18].

- :

1.         .

2.         .

, . , , . , , . .. , .

1 ( ). , , .

If you have obeyed all the rules, good and bad, and you still come out at the dirty end, then i say the rules are no good.

( M. Wilson, Life with Lighting.)

2 ( , , ) . , .

He was alive, not dead.

( B. Show, The Apple Cart.)

3 ( ). , .

You will see if ye were right or wrong .

( A. Cronin, The Harthers Castle.)

4 ( , , , ). .

The whole was big, oneself was little.

( J. Galsworthy, The White Monkey.)

5 . , .

In its great presence our small sorrows creep away, ashamed.

(J. K. Jerome, Three Men in a Boat.)

5 .

Ive lost and won more lawsuits than any man in England.

( W. M. Thekeray, Vanity Fair.)

, . , , . . . - , , . , , .

. . - un-,in-( il-, im-, ir-), dis-. , . , , , less.

. . , . , , , . . . . , , . , . , . . , , . , -.

2.3 .

.. , [ 11; 7-18] , .

.. , :

1. .

2. . . , , . , .

3.         , . . , .

4.         .

5.         - .

2.4 .

. , , , , . , [17;75 77].

, ( ) . .

-. , , : , . . , . , .

, , , - , , , . , . , , , , .

, , , : , , . , , , . , , , , , :

B / .

, , , :

: - !

: - , !

: - ! .

, .

2.5 .

, . , , [21;143 149 ].

, . , - (), . , , :

Bright 1.Dull ( paint )

-      2. Dim ( stare )

-      3. Gloomy (day )

-      4. Dark ( window )

-      5. Stupid ( pupil )

, . , , , . , . . , : ( long short ), ( white black ), ( small large ), , . , , , . , . . , . . . , , : justice library. , , , : war peace, justice injustice, etc. , , :

War / Peace .

Justice / Injustice .

( ) ( ). , , , : clever stupid. , clever stupid . . : hot cold, black white, thick thin, etc. , . . , . . . . . , . . , , . , , - . , . ( , ) : dead living, false true, etc. : red not red, young not young, . . , . , . , , , , , . , . .

Like two doomed shipe that pass in storm.

We had crossed each others way.

But we made no sign, we said no word.

We had no word to say.

For we did not meet in the holy night

But in the shameful day.

( OSW, vol.2. p.128 )

holy shameful , , . , : holy unholy, shameful shameless.

, , , , . . . , , :

It is quite remarkable how one good ( bad ) action always breeds another.

, , , .

, . , , . , , , , .

2.6 NOT .

[8; 10 14]. : ( a; an; the ), ( or ) , ( up; in; out ), ( un-; in-; -ness; -ly ). . . : , ; , ; . .

. NOT , , . , NOT , , , . NOT, . . ; little - not much a lot. NOT . ( a lot ) . a lot not much . , NOT . , ( ) , , :

-      Oh, mr. Webb? Mr. Webb, is there any culture or love of beauty in Grovers Corners?

-      Well maam, there aint much not in the sense you mean. Come to think of it, theres some girls that play piano at High School Commencement; but they aint happy about it.

, , , . . : . . , , :

1.If the girls play the piano, they are happy about it.

2.The girls play the piano.

3.They are happy about it.

: They aint happy about it.

, . , , . happy not happy, happy .

( nur; gerade; noch; ), ( nicht ), . . . , , . , NOT . NOT : . . , ( ) ( ). NOT , . NOT , .

2.7 .

( ) , [7;1 2 ]. (), ( ), . , , . , , , . , .

, . , , , , , , .

2.8 .

, - , [ 1;246 248 ].

. , , , , . : , , . . , , , , ( ) . , , . , , , . , : , , , , . ( ), , , , , , .

, , . .

, , .

, . , , , , , . , , , .

, , , . , , , be ( ) , , ( ).

, . .

2.9 .

, ( ) [13;152 156]. , . , , , , , , . ( ) . : 1 2 = 2 1; 1 2 = 2 1. , , .

, . , . . , . :

1.         , .

2.         .

3.         .

, , .

. .. , [1;231]. , ( ), . , , , , , , , , . , . , , .

, , , . , :

1. , , ; sell buy.

2. , ( ) ; friend.

3. - , : ; persecutor persecuted.

4. , : ; protector protege.

, .



. 3

. , , . .. :

1. , .

2. .

3. .

, , . .

, . .

, , , . , , , , .

, , . , . , , (, ) , :

. 4

2.10 .

.. , .

.. : , , , , , [6;186].

, . . 1952 . : He sold me a book I bought a book from him, , ., , .

.., .., .., .., .. . . .. , . [17;75]. / .

, ( .. ) , . , / , , .

, . , :

John likes hockey; Hockey pleases John; Hockey is liked by John; John is pleased by hockey.

, like please, please like. ., : , . .

- , , .

- ( ) . , , , .

. .., , , , , . . .., , . , , .. ( ., , .), ( .). , , - , .

, .. :

1. .

2. , , , ( . ).

3. , ( . ).

, , . . .. , : 6,5%; 38,3%; 15,2% [9;10]. , , , : buyer seller; following preceding. , 19,6% 22% , : child parent; husband wife; former later; senior junior.

, , .. , . .., . , . , .. , .

.. , , , , , :

1. , ( ).

2. .

, , . , , , , .

2.11 .

. , ( ), , : : buy sell, - ; : approve to win approval, ; ( ) : to alarm to take alarm, .

. , , , , . , , . , , . , , . , , , .

, , . , , . , . , , , ( ) . 85% :

1., .

2., .

, :

1. : to give smb the beans to get the beans.

2. : break smbs neck break ones neck.

3. .: to have smb at ones bock and call to be at smbs bock and call.

, , , . , , .

, , :

1.put into force come into force, .

2. : put smth at stake - be at stake, .

: ones, somebodys: get ones blood up get smbs blood up.

, .

2.12 .

.. , , [10;3 9]. , , ( ), , . , , .

, . .. . , , , , , .[4;66]. , , .[22;234 235]

C , . . :

1. .

2. , .

3. , , .

, , , . , , . . . , . .

3. .

, , . , : .; Hornby; ..

, : .

. , . .

: New - old

The new town of Whitney Clay had swallowed up the old village.

New not existing before; introduced, made, invented, etc. recently or for the first time.

Old having been in existence or use for a long time.

, , NOT .

Black - white

The babys black and nothing can make it white.

Black of the very darkest colour; the opposite to white.

White of the very palest colour, like fresh snow or milk.

dark pale, .

Cold warm

Dont keep him too warm maam. But be careful that you dont let him be too cold.

Cold of a low or lower than usual temperature.

Warm of or at a fairly high temperature.

low high, .

Dead - alive

We like letters to mothers, dead or alive.

Dead no longer live.

Alive living, not dead

alive NOT, , .

Distant near

It may be near, it may be distant; while the road lasts nothing turns me.

Distant far away in space or time.

Near within a short distance of space or time.

far away short, .

Dry wet

It is difficult enough to fix a tent in dry weather; in wet the task become herculean.

Dry not wet, damp or sticky.

Wet covered or soaked with liquid, esp water.

dry NOT, , .

False true

Listening to her, i was beyond knowing whether her insight was true or false.

False wrong, not correct.

True rightly called, genuine or sincere.

wrong right, .

Beautiful ugly

Do you know what it is to be ugly all your life and inside to feel that you are beautiful.

Beautiful having beauty; giving pleasure to the senses or the mind.

Ugly unpleasant, esp to look at.

pleasure unpleasant . unpleasant pleasant + un, un , ugly beautiful .

Female male

This, of course, to all individuals, of course male and female.

Female of the sex that can give birth to children.

Male of the sex that cannot give birth to children.

male NOT, , .

Ill well

I hope Phuongs well, he said. I have never known her ill.

Ill in an unkind or critical way.

Well in a kind way.

ill well. ill unkind, kind+un, un , .

Poor rich

It is only that he has better means of having it than many others, because he is rich, and many others are poor.

Poor having very little money with which to buy ones basic needs.

Rich having a lot of money or property; wealthy.

little a lot, .

, , , , NOT un-; in-(il-; im-; ir-;) dis-; less. .

Defence - offence

Best defence is offence.

Today yesterday

The superstition of today is the science of yesterday.

Good - bad

Whats good about not being bad?

Alike different

It was unbelievable two people could look so much alike and be so completely and utterly different.

Difficult easy

They were not difficult and for a girl of Robertas natural grace and zest, easy.

Alike different

How is it that two people, just a brother and sister, can be so alike and so different?

Despair hope

Sometimes i hope, my dear, and sometimes i dont quite despair, but nearly.

Dimish increase

The softness of Dinnys feelings dimished the watchfulness increased.

Drunk sober

You are very drunk, Gwen said. Sober as a judge, he said.

Early late

At first it was too early for the boy to be received into the proper refuge and at last it was too late.

Evil good

And so the factory came to be regarded as a good thing, not an evil.

Failure success

Naturally i went to evert a conflict in with success would damage me and failure disable me.

Fast loose

Surely Fleur would see in the long run that he couldnt play fast and loose.

Fear hope

A strange conflict of hopes and fears raged within Dinny.

Above below

One is too far below me ( i mean in her own opinion ), and the other is too high above me.

Absence presence

To him the presence or absence of his wifes sister was a matter of indifference.

Absolute relative

His vitality was absolute, not relative.

Accept decline

I cannot accept this offer, Lord Caversham, i have made up my mind to decline it.

Act word

A brawl or boil is a rude quarrel by word or act or both.

Active passive

This was no passive belief, but an active weapon which they flashed more convenient places of business.

Dead alive

Speak he cried, and tell us whether you are alive or dead

Answer ask

It is always worth while asking a question, though it is not always worth answering one.

Attack defence

Dyke had stood between cab and fender through out all the duel, exposed, reckless, thinking only of attack and not of defence.

Back forward

He distinguished the choice open to him of forward or back, and he selected forward.

Beast man

But man or beast, it will be wise to stay here a minute and let get by and out of the way.

Begin end

Romance should never begin with sentiment. It should begin with science and end with a settlement.

Clever foolish

You dont mean to say that this charming, clever young lady has been so foolish as to accept you?

Begin finish

Office affairs are easy to begin and difficult to finish, particularly in a small town.

Cold hot

First you are hot, then you are cold, and the best you have got is the fact you are old.

Complicated simple

But this is complicated. -And on the paper very simple, Robert Jordon grinned.

Cool warm

For the first time her lips were not cool, shut and sisterly, but warm and open and delicious.

Dangerous safe

But i think you are unreasonable. A thing cannot be bad because it is too dangerous and too safe.

Darkness light

Therefor whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in light.

Deed word

Annie Bauman was the only one who did not feel ashamed to avow herself by word and deed the companion of Gretel and them.

Find lose

You do that when youve lost a horseshoe that youve found, instead of nailing it up over the door.

Forget remember

Soldiers must not forget, they said, soldiers must not remember; all thats treason.

Friend enemy

I asked for us to be friends, Margaret, not enemies.

Gain loss

Let us weigh the gain and loss, he quoted, in wagering that God is, let us entimate these chances. If you gained, you gain all; if you lose, you lose nothing.

Good harm

He must have been doing more harm than good around here.

Give receive

We know what we give, we cannot know what we receive.

Guilty innocent

So the law assumed there must be one guilty party, and one innocent party who has been wronged by desertion of the matrimonial bed.

Happy miserable

He seemed to think it remarkable that he should be so miserable in axactly the same place where he had once been happy.

Heavy light

His head felt empty, light as air; his feet were heavy as lead.


The journey from ignorance to knowledge of an individual student may remain a unique series of events whilst being controlled by a set of fixed rules.

Left right

Dora paid grocery bills right and left for two years.

Loathe love

If a man and woman sinned, let them go for into the desert to love or loathe each other there.

Lose win

Win or lose nothing worse for public life than private ruction.

Never now

This overmastering wish of this for its fulfilment it was now or never with him!

War peace

I do not claim that, even today, the issues of right and wrong, of war and peace are so clear to everyone as they were in my special circumstances.

Pleasure sorrow

Whether from pleasure or from sorrow, great tears fell from my stupid eyes on Lornas letter.

Private public

Yet, Monseigneur had slowly found that vulgar embarrassment crept into his affairs, both private and public.

Rise sink

Martin sank or rose to Clifs buoyancy, while Clif rose or sank to Martins speculativeness.

Ancient modern

Thats the modern views, anyway, According to report the ancient one too.

Annoy please

He began to believe she might be in love with him and the thought was both pleasing and annoying.

Artificial natural

He made the most dismal sounds ive ever heard produced by any means, natural or artificial.

Blessing curse

Still, as i see it, marriage is a very sacred thing and children are a blessing not a curse.

Comedy tragedy

Old young

The sole is born old but grows young. That is the comedy of life. And the body is born young and grows old. That is lifes tragedy.

Ashamed proud

I know what love means now, and instead of being ashamed of, im proud of it.

Fast slow

They sent me down a succession of compact, 9 boys who used to go fast when i wanted to go slow, and slow when i wanted to go fast.

Giant pigmy

So you think your friend in the city will be hard upon me, if i fail a payment? says the trooper, looking down upon him like a giant. My dear friend, i am afraid he will, returns the old man looking up at him like a pigmy.

Open close

Maida opened ii just wide enough for me to enter, then closed it again quickly.

Question answer

A lot of nice one, eh? said Maida, she had the local habit of placing the word eh at the end of her remarks, questions and answers alike.

Young old

Kathleen was a little younger then me, but looked much older.

Man woman

Ill say, man said Isa, for she also used the common currency, adding man to most of the statements she addressed to man and woman alike.

Black white

I have no objection to sit down and listen, but i dont see how than can make black white.

Boy girl

Thomas, if its a boy, she said after my uncle. But if its a girl id like something fancy for a first name.

More less

But she kept eyeing Henry with interest, and the reproachful tone was more or less a routine affair.

Come go

The hell with the money: come easy go easy.

Clean dirty

She didnt simply look clean, she looked as if she had never been dirty.

Lie truth

And remember, the truth, however ashamed of it you may be, is better than any lie.

With - without

We must not think of the things we could do with but only of the things that we cant do without.

Love money

Dehn, son in law, who had married Pamela whether for love or money was never quite clear to the widow.

Here there

There were ships of mail standing like ghosts in armour, here and there.

Near far

Near, far wherever you are, i believe that the heart does go on.

, , : un -, , , ; ; in -; (il -; im -; ir -;); dis -, , , , ; less, ..

: Willing unwilling

Gordon had made Smith an easy partner in these thefts, not willing and unwilling, but simply an assumed partner.

Willing done, given, etc. readily or enthusiastically.

Unwilling not wanted to do something.

unwilling NOT, , .

Happy unhappy

Sue, i believe you are not happy Of course, i am! she contracted. How can a woman be unhappy who has only been married eight weeks to a man she chose freely?

Happy fortunate, lucky.

Unhappy unfortunate; that is or should be regarded.

unhappy unfortunate, fortunate+un, , .

Honest dishonest

This man Steuer fancied that he was dishonest, and that he, Mallenhauer, was honest.

Honest telling the truth; not lying.

Dishonest not honest.

dishonest NOT, , .

Approve disapprove

Who am i to approve or disapprove?

Approve to feel or believe that somebody/something is good, acceptable or satisfactory.

Disapprove to consider somebody/something to be bad, wrong, foolish.

good bad, .

Dependent - independent

Were all really dependent in nearly everything and we make a fuss about being independent in something.

Dependent needing somebody/something in order to live or survive.

Independent not dependent on other people or thing.

independent NOT, , .

Human inhuman

Like dislike

But why do you like markets and dislike stories? Because markets are human and stories inhuman.

Human kind, good.

Inhuman lacking normal human qualities of kindness, pity, etc, extremely cruel.

good cruel, .

Legal illegal

They rallied the Negro people and their allies against the lynches, legal and illegal.

Legal of, based on or concerned with the law.

Illegal against the law; not legal.

illegal NOT, , .

Visible invisible

In the see there are more things invisible, than visible.

Visible that can be seen; in sight.

Invisible that cannot be seen; not visible.

visible NOT, , .

Regular irregular

But these footsteps were so odd that one couldnt decide them regular or irregular.

Regular done or happening often, frequently.

Irregular not happening, coming, done, etc. regular, varying.

irregular NOT, , .

Coloured uncoloured

On those walls, wherever the eye roved, were prints coloured and uncoloured, old and new, depicting the sports of racing and prize fighting.

Tied untied

People get tied up, and sometimes they stay tied because they want to stay or because they havent the will power to break or others become untied and make a new start.


Engage disengage

How soon will you be disengaged? I didnt say you i was engaged.

Explicable inexplicable

The proposal was monstrous, inexplicable or explicable only by the assumption that his mind, while not unhinged, had temporarily lost its balance.

Filial unfilial

I have seen a good deal of what is filial in my times, Sir, said Mould, and what is unfilial too.

Inside outside

And also, he expected that the management demanded of all boys that they look well outside as well as inside the hotel.

Just unjust

The A.F. of L. port leaders, as loyal servitors of capitalism, unquestionable support all wars, just or unjust, declared by the capitalist class and its government.

Kindness unkindness

Clare thanked Sir Willoughby for the kindness thinking of her father, mentally analising the kindness, in which at least she found no unkindness, scarcely egoism, though she knew it to be true.

Latching unlatching

The German major looked obliquely at Yetes, his slender fingers latching and unlatching.

Lock unlock

None went near them, either to lock or unlock.

Able unable

Suppose i am unable to do the job? Then you wouldnt be able to cash the note.

Active inactive

The cumulative effect of merely remaining inactive when one ought to be active was terrible.

Adequate inadequate

To pull is to exert a drawing force whether adequate or inadequate; as the fish pull on the line, as dentist pulls a tooth.

Advantages disadvantages

Only much later did Tony attempt to sum up the advantages and disadvantages of his upbringing.

Appearing disappearing

He had a talent for appearing when he was not wanted, and a talent for disappearing when he was wanted.

Audible inaudible

Little audible links, they are chaining together great inaudible feelings and purposes.

Aware unaware

If the American was too aware of himself, then this Russian was too unaware of himself.

Believe disbelieve

I am neutral. I dont believe in ghosts but i dont disbelieve in them.

Calculable incalculable

All is capria; the calculable world has become incalculable.

Clasp unclasp

As they rode in complete silence for a while he hands clasped and unclasped definitely.

linch unclinch

They swayed back clinched together against the gate; then both, as if struck by the same idea unclinched and raised their fists.

Concerned unconcerned

It concerned her in some way, but she herself was unconcerned, and she slid without effort into the position of mistress of the farm.

Decisive indecisive

Katherine admired him for it and would always choose him in his decisive moments in preference to an indecisive MacGregor.

Democratic undemocretic

Of course, there are different forms of capitalist rule. There are constitutional and unconstitutional monarchies, democratic and undemocratic republics, personal, military and fascist dictatorships.

Do undo

Whats done cant be undone.

Emotional unemotional

A shrewed observer might have remarked that the emotional temperature rather rose at so unemotional interruption.

Encourage discourage

Thus, the editorial sought to encourage fascist elements in the community and to discourage all who might fear violence.

Worthiness unworthiness

The sense of unworthiness is a guarantee of the worthiness ensuing.

Free unfree

In fact, she had felt as she still felt neither free nor unfree.


Then mr. Rouncewell, returns Sir Leicester, the application of what you have said is to me incomprehensible. Will it be more comprehensible Sir Leicester if i say

Heroic unheroic

He ordered early breakfast, and wanted to look at the newspaper, and felt somehow heroic and useful in not looking at it. But there were still crawling and totally unheroic hours of waiting before Dr. Patten returned.

Civilized uncivilized

Sometimes you think its soft and sometimes sly, and sometimes murderous, and sometimes uncivilized and all the time its only civilized.

Frequently infrequently

The curtains were always heavy, frequently brown and infrequently red.

Tangible intagible

And behind this tangible dread there was always that intangible trouble, lurking in the background.

Pleasant - unpleasant

Really, Barbara, you go on as if religion was a pleasant subject. I dont find it an unpleasant subject, my dear.

Likes dislikes

Things do last, cried Fleur with me anyhow especially likes and dislikes.

Humorous unhumorous

He was becoming like Katherine planning humorous situations at unhumorous moments.

Reasonable unreasonable

Now it seemed one of the most reasonable things in the world that i should have come, and now one of the most unreasonable.

Morality - immorality

Just as one doesnt mind men practising immorality so long as they own they are in the wrong by preaching morality, so i could forgive Andrew for preaching immorality while practised morality.

Adulterated unadulterated

My products all fresh, pure unadulterated, stamped and correctly weighed We have never adulterated our opium since that day.


Intelligently or unintelligently, i try to follow the line of self interest, because as i see it there is no other guide.

Chequered unchequered

Soams had been her mainstay throughout 34 years chequered by Montegue Darty, had continued her mainstay in the theirteen unchequered years since.

Capable incapable

We agreed we were capable of almost anything and we agreed he was incapable of hurting his master.

Mature immature

His mind is a mature, not an immature one.

Order - disorder

Well, Claras not like you. She belongs to the new order or disorder.

Selfish unselfish

The love of a mother for the children is dominant, leonine, selfish and unselfish.

, , .

Agree v. :

1.to say yes, ex: I asked for a pay rise and she agreed. refuse.

2.to have a similar opinion to somebody, ex: I agree with his analysis of the situation. disagree.

3.to be consisted with something; to match, ex: You account of the affair doesnt agree with hers. disagree.

Broad adj. : 1.large in extent from one side to the other, wide, ex: Hes tall, broad and muscular. thin.

Credit n. : 1.the state of having money in ones bank account, ex: Im about $400 in credit at the moment. debit.

2.praise, approval, respect, ex: I cant take any of the credit the others did all the work. discredit.

Direct adj. : 1.exact, complete, ex: Thats the direct opposite of what you told me yesterday. indirect.

Full adj. : 1.containing as much as possible; completely filled, ex: The cupboard was stuffed full of old newspapers. empty.

Hard adj. : 1.stif and solid and not easy bent or broken, ex: Ground made hard by frost. soft.

2.not feeling or showing affection, pity, etc, ex: They exchanged hard words and went the separate ways. soft.

3.containing calcium and other mineral salts , ex: Our water is very hard. soft.

Order n. : 1.the state that exists when people obey the laws, rules or authority, ex: The police are trying to restore public order. disorder.

2.the state of being carefully and neatly arranged, ex: Get your ideas into some kind of order before beginning to write. disorder.

Black adj. :

1.of the very darkest colour, ex: A big black cloud appeared. white. 2.without milk, ex: Two black coffees, please. white.

3.of a race that has dark skin, ex: Many black people emigrated to Britain it the 1950s. white.



Wet adj. :

1.covered or soak with liquid, esp. Water, ex: Her cheeks were wet with tears. dry.

2.raining, ex: It was the wettest October for many years. dry.


3.recently applied and not yet dry or set.

4.without energy, strenth or courage.

Active adj. :

1.doing things; lively, ex: She takes an active part in local politics. -inactive.

2.of the form of a verb whose subject is the person or thing that performs the action (grammar), as in He was driving the car and the children have eaten the cake. passive.

Advance v. :

1.to move or put somebody/something forward, ex: He advanced his queen to threaten his opponents king. refreat.

2.to move an event forward to an earlier date, ex: The date of meeting has been advanced from 10 to 3 June. postpone.

Behind prep. :

1.at or towards the back of somebody/something, ex: Whos the girl standing behind Richard? in front of.


2.making less progress than somebody/something.

3.giving support to or approval of somebody/something.

4.responsible for starting or developing something.

Deep adj. :

1.extending a long way from top to bottom, ex: a deep river box. shallow.

Down adv. :

1.from the upright position to a lower level, ex: He bent down to pick up his gloves.- up.

2.indicating a lower place or state, ex: The bread is on the third shelf down. up.

3.to be read from top to bottom, not from side to side, ex: I cant do 3 down. across.

4.away from a university (Brit), ex: going down at the end of the year. up.

Dream n. :

1.a sequence of scenes and feeling occurring in the mind during sleep, ex: Good night sweet dreams! nightmare.


2.a state of mind in which the things happening around one do not seem real.

3.an ambition or idea.

4.a beautiful or wonderful person or thing.

First adv. :

1.before anyone or anything else; at the beginning, ex: Ill finish my work first. last.


2.for the first time. else.

3.to begin with.

4.in preference to something

For prep. :

1.in defence or support of somebody/something, ex: Im all for pubs staying open all day. against.

, , , , . , . , , , .

The time passes away but sayings remain.

, .

After a storm comes fair weather, after sorrow comes joy.

, .

As you sow, so you reap.

, .

Day and night are quickly in flight.


One may make up a soft bed, but still is will be hard to sleep in.

, .

You neednt be afraid of a barking dog, but you should be afraid of a silent dog.

, .

If youth but knew, if age but could.

, .

Better later than never.

, .

A chain is not stronger than its weakest link.


Every flow has it ebb.


An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.


Thered be no good fortune if misfortune hadnt helped.

, .

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

, .

Breaking is not making.


Keep your moth shut and your ears open.

, .

A living dog is better than a dead lion.


Bad luck often brings good luck.


One for all and all for one.


Further you hide it, closer you find it.


The well fed cant understand the hungry.

, .

The morn is wiser than the evening.


Knowledge is light, ignorance is darkness.

, .

Expensive and tasty, cheap and nasty.

, , , .

You started speaking with delight and finished with a sorry sight!

, .

Native dogs are fighting here, foreign ones should not interfere.

, .

Old friends are better than new ones.


Greet him according to the clothes, take leave according to what he knows.

, .

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, , , , . . , . : . , . , , , , , , .


1. .. . -. , 1974.-.324 325.

2. .. .-. ,1953.-.2,.45.

3. ... .-. ,1971.-.2,.64.

4. .. .-: . . . . ,1983.-.66.

5. .. .-.: ,1993.-.387.

6. . . . ,1958. 186.

7. .. .//. .... . . .,1991. 1 2.

8. .. NOT .// : , , . ,1990. 10 14.

9. .. .//. .... ,1980. 10.

10. .. .// . , 1986. 3 9.

11. .. . . ,1964. 7 18.

12. .. . . ,1975. 486.

13. .. .// . ,1990. 153 166.

14. .. .. . . .,1996.

15. .. . . .,1984. 9 12.

16. .. .// . ,1998. 149 156.

17. .. . .,1964. 7 18.

18. .. .// . . ,1968. 284 296.

19. .. . . ,1991. 371.

20.Hornby. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of current English. Oxford University,1995.

21. .. .// . ,1985. 143 149.

22. .. . . ,1995. 35;234 235.

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