Topic 2
Places to visit in
Places to visit in Northen
Topic 3
In the
Today English is a major language spoken in the
world. In every part of the world English is spoken with different
pronunciations, but the original and right pronunciations can be heard only in
Topic 6
Football and
Cricket is sometimes called the English national game? Having been played from 1550s. Its usually played by a men and boys. Players traditionally wear white clothes.
Bowls it is another outdoor summer game. It was played since 13 centure. Its played an a specially prepared green/ The players roll large bowls towards a small ball and try to bring them as near as possible.
Mountaineering and rock climbing. There
are more than 330 mountaineering clubs in
Horse racing and Horse riding. Horse racing sometimes called a sport of kings? Because it is very expensive to own a racehorse. There are two kings of h.r. : flat racing (w/o jumps) and steeplechasing (with jumps). Horse Riding is very popular too. Riding a horse used to be means of transport.
Sailing. About 3 million British people
go sailing in a small boats every year. The number of small boats owners has
increased 1000% in last 10 years. If you live in
Self-honesty. Telling you the truth using emotional positive actions.
Self-honesty means telling myself the truth. It means knowing myself and choosing positive actions that are right for me.
I know my strengths and weaknesses.
I admit my mistakes.
I dont blame others.
I resist peer pressure.
It will help us to:
1. Learn about and like us.
2. Know our strengths and weaknesses.
3. Admit mistakes and accept responsibility for our own actions.
4. Avoid blaming others and making excuses.
5. Behave in a way that is honest with what we think and feel.
6. Keep our word and do what we say well do.
Sometimes things happened to us, make us feel sorry for ourselves. Nobody can go through life with the world on a string without anything bad ever happening. Its pretty natural to feel sorry for ourselves, at least for a little while. But if we keep feeling self-pity we wont find the way out of our problems. And we sure cant turn a bad thing into something good if we are lost in self-pity.
Being honest with yourself and admitting what is good about you as well as those things about you that arent so good: your strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes a weakness{like eating too much candy} can be changed, but in some cases a weakness is just a weakness and theres not too much we can do about it. In fact, recognizing both kinds of weakness in ourselves helps to find out who we really are.
Being able to look at yourself closely and honesty and recognize what things you do best are positive actions. It is important to know what you are strong in when choosing a career or trying out for sports or play; it can help you to make the right selection.
Everyone has some strength in a particular area. Your strength might be an ability to get along with others, a good memory, or an ability to think quickly.
Have you ever heard anyone say: Oh, hes always making excuses! do you ever get tired of people who never do what theyve promised and only give you an excuse why they didnt do it? We come across such situations quite often at school, when a pupil hasnt his homework and makes up some excuse not to be given a bad mark
Often people make up excuses out of habit. They havent yet learned the positive action of taken responsibility of their actions. Instead, they look for a quick way out of the problem not caring much if they are honest or not.
Sometimes we need to be honest about our needs instead of making excuses.
Actions can be either honest or dishonest. Sometimes we apologize just in order not to be punished. Sometimes we say we are busy just because we dont want someone to come over and play. Sometimes we misbehave to get attention. Throughout all our life we will have to make decisions. It will never stop. We might as well begin now being truly honest with ourselves about what is right for us. As we get older, well have fewer and fewer people helping us make decisions. The choices are ours to make. Some of lives choices are easier to make than others. Some students of our age have to make choices about drugs and other things that may not be good for their bodies.
Do you have some needs right now? Do you feel like an outcast and need friends? Do you wish you could like yourself more? Are you pulled in 2 different directions?
Have you ever experienced peer pressure? Pressure is force applied to something. If youve ever had a toothache you have felt pressure on that tooth. But we can feel not only physical pressure. One of them is peer pressure. Our peers are classmates and friends, people that are equal to us.
Peer pressure is a term we may not have heard before but weve experienced it, we all have! Peer pressure occurs when others try to influence you in your thoughts and actions. Often friends try to persuade us to do something or to think a certain way that we know is not right for us. We must be honest with ourselves! If we do something that is not within our personal Code of Conduct, we wont feel satisfied with ourselves.
Peer pressure is real and powerful. We are all influenced by it at some time. But we should always remember to be honest with ourselves, to do whats right for us. We must always remember: be true to that important person you live with everyday yourself!
Positive action.
Your self-concept is how you see yourself. It is what you think about the person you call Me. It is not only what you see in the mirror. It includes feelings, emotions, opinions, and attitudes to others. Ability to manage ones life successfully and other aspects of yourself. Self-concept means the way you feel about yourself, friends and families influence your self-concept. Negative choices and negative actions create a negative self-concept. Positive choices and positive actions make us feel good about yourself.
The positive circle shows positive feelings, leading to positive thoughts and positive actions. If you want to be a happy positive person, say Yes to life.
Use positive actions and you will be as happy as you can be. You know, an action is something you do. A positive action is something you do that makes life good for you and the people around you; a negative is just the opposite. It is easy to learn about positive actions. It is hard to use positive actions.
Positive action is a course that helps to feel good about themselves. The way you think about yourself controls how happy, healthy and successful you be. You can learn simple ways to be your own good friend and to make your life happy. You say to yourself: I want to enjoy my life, to do interesting things and be as happy as I can be. I am a happy and positive person. But I can expand on who and what I am. I want to learn more about myself and to like myself, to be a good friend and to tell myself the truth. Self-concept helps me to think about myself, to picture myself in my mind. This self-concept is very important. Because it has a great influence on how happy I am and what I achieve. When I help others, if I am independent and loved, I feel good about myself. Most people are disappointed with themselves at times, but they wish they were different in some way. And naming some negative feelings, people often have about themselves, they mean that these negative words represent a challenge for improvement.
Developing a strong self-concept it is important to set yourself up to succeed. You must discover what is important to your self-esteem and then do those things well.
Everyone needs a positive self-concept. No one can be 100 % positive all the time. We all get a little angry with ourselves at times. This can be very valuable if we keep things in perspective and use our disappointment to motivate us towards improvement and gives way to despair. We must accept our weaknesses as challenges and we must take satisfaction in the abilities we have. The person who takes a positive self-view much more often than not is the one who will be happy, healthy and successful.
Take o look at yourself and identify your strong points and built on them positive self-concept. No matter what kind of self-concept you have now , you can make stronger. Each of us can develop a skill, a talent or a personal quality, to bring us pleasure and the appreciation of family, friends and others. You can develop your good qualities and make even better. These qualities will give you confidence and happiness. Do you sing or play an instrument? Are you a good friend? Do you read well or write stories or poems? Are you fun to be with? Can you organize and get things done? Do you know a lot about some subject? Do you have a sport you play well? Are you clever? And do you sometimes make people laugh? These things can give your enjoyment and are reasons for you to feel good about yourself. When people are happy and well liked, they sometimes fail to realize that they still have room for improvement. It is an excuse to say I have to be myself or That is just the way I am. We should want to be our best selves.
Now ask yourself Is there some area that I am still weak in? Is there something about myself that I could improve? Once you have chosen a quality you would like to improve, write it down and then write your plan for improvement. Then thoughts-actions-feelings cycle can be a positive force for you.
Every day we are faced all kinds of situations that require us to make choices. When faced such situation we some thought about it. This thought leads to an action and that action leads to a feeling. Let us take an example: a teacher asks you to do some homework. You have a thought : homework makes me feel responsible( get knowledge). That is a positive thought and it leads to an action: you do a good job on the assignment. This leads to a positive feeling: satisfaction and pride in your work. But when you begin with a negative thought such as, I hate homework, negative feelings and actions might follow. So positive or negative thought do not simply stop with feelings. Good or bad feelings cause us to have further thoughts and those influence further actions and further feelings. The circle of behavior and emotions follow and continues on and on.
Some things happen in life that are unpleasant . We can not pretend that they are not. These can be a serious as divorce. Certainly, we should not excepted to be pleasant with everything that happens to us, but our thoughts about difficult situations still control our ability to handle them in a positive way. Give examples of difficulties you have overcome by using positive thoughts. A self-concept is not an accident. Behind the way you feel about yourself are many influences. Important pictures we have about ourselves come from the people who are most important to us friends, teachers, and especially our families. By showing you that you are loved, interesting and important to your family and your friends also build you self-esteems. We all need to know that others think well of us. When we are discourage and having and having negative thoughts sometimes we need to go to a friend or a family member to find positive thoughts we need. Parents will almost give us that kind of help, then they know we need it. Sometimes however a friend or a family member may be a very one giving us the negative thoughts of ourselves. At times like that we need to look inside ourselves for positive thoughts and look to other friends or relatives who see what we need at that time. We should never feel ashamed of needing a little tender loving care.
Friends can affect self-concept. Perhaps, a compliment brightened the way you felt about yourself. May be teasing hurt your feeling. We all need to look within ourselves for the assurance that we believe in ourselves. But we can not help being not influenced by the attitudes of our friends. Now turn the situation around. Just think a good friend you can be to someone elses self-concept. It takes almost no effort to give a compliment and it also work in reverse. When you treat
Managing yourself.
Each person has eight gifts: time, energy, possessions, money, talent, thoughts, feelings, actions. We need to use our gifts wisely. We need to learn positive actions that will help us to waste less energy, to create some order.
When a person con not use self-discipline, usually someone else has to make choices for that person. If you let your time go, your parents have to limit your playing time. When you make good choices and show self-control, you usually gain more chances to make, more choices, when you show immaturity by using no self-control, you often lose some of the freedom you have attained.
Time is one of the resources we have in equal amount. Happy, healthy people manage their time wisely. This management is a positive action that helps people feel good about themselves.
Energy is like fuel. Our actions lose strength and efficiency when we fail to manage energy. These are things we can do to use our energy gift well.
1 stay healthy. If you are sick, rundown, tired or poorly nourished, you can not perform effectively.
2 stay mentally alert. You mind can stimulate your energy.
3 stay in control emotionally. People who are upset, sad or discouraged sometimes lose their physical energy. Happiness and excitement, on the other hand stimulate energy.
4 use your time wisely. At certain times of the day your energy level is high. Study or hard work is rarely done well late at night when you are tired.
Learn to manage possessions wisely.
Owing things requires that we act responsibly. We may wish to share or even give our possessions as gifts but too means that we use proper management. When we give proper care to the things we possess, we feel a sense of satisfaction. In many ways our possessions represent us people. If our rooms and the things we own in our rooms are kept in order and are looked after, we experience a sense of our own worth. And we show the same respect for other possessions.
When you use positive actions to protect the valuable things you own you will respect yourself. And these is greater possessions than your own sense of self-worth.
Money. People say that money can not buy happiness. That is true many times. But money can certainly make people unhappy. When we fail to manage our money wisely, we often make our lives difficult and disappointing.
Money is not the most important thing in the world, but when it is used wisely it gives you control over your life. When it is used poorly, it controls you and your are unhappy. Now is the time to acquire the good money habits to make our life happy.
Positive actions are also necessary for recognizing and developing talents. Some people seem to have lots of talents, others only have few. But talents do not mean much unless they are developed. We should be thankful for the things we are good at and we should do our best to improve those skills. We have a lifetime to improve upon our abilities, and after all, that is one of the main joys in life; seeing yourself get better at something.
All people experience feelings and emotions. One of the most powerful human emotions is love. Managing the emotion of love means being a good friend. You may call it caring about people. That is another name for the same feeling. A person who is in control of this emotion will expand his circle of friends and learn to be friendly to all people.
And how to manage anger? What does anger look like? Does it have a shape? Or edges? Each of us experiences anger in a different way. We all get angry at times. But uncontrolled anger will destroy your chances of thinking and acting wisely. People who act in anger almost always regret it. Wise persons learn to give themselves some time to consider before they act and to react in a positive way. Here are some ways to manage anger.
1 accept anger as a feeling we all experience.
2 never take your anger out on someone who is not to blame.
3 give yourself time to think of ways to deal with it.
4 try to get an explanation for what happened. It may help you handle your anger constructively.
5 react positively. Channel your emotional energy towards hard world or intense activity. Then you may be able to express your anger in a reasonable way.
Problems with worry. How do you feel when you worry? What happens to your body? Does you stomach feel sick? Does your heart hurt? Do you feel like crying?
Everyone feels jealous at times. Positive people, however, learn to control the feeling by sharing the joy that others experience. If you care about others, you should be happy with their good fortune. You expect your friends to be happy for you.
The feeling of fear. Fear is certainly normal. It is something every single human being experienced. Fear can be useful. It keeps you from doing things that might harm you, such as leaning too far over a high ledge or going into dangerous situations. But fear must be managed. Some fear are exaggerated and keep people from enjoying normal activities. If you are afraid of water, for instance, you may have a healthy fear. Water can be dangerous. But if that fear keeps you from swimming, it has taken over and is managing you. You must face your fear, enter the water carefully and conquer that negative feeling. People should also conquer the feeling of discouragement. Discouragement is the feeling we have when we feel we can not stand up to the challenges we face. Discourage means to lose courage. But the positive action in such situation is not to give way to despair and to deal with feelings of discouragement.
So if our goal life is to keep on leaning in all the ways we can we want to be well-rounded persons, we must meet the needs of bodies(physical), minds(intellectual) and emotional(feelings).
You can choose positive over negative actions.
We all have eight gifts we can manage wisely: time, energy, money, possessions, talents, thoughts, feelings, actions.
Everyone has feelings of anger, worry, jealousy, pride, fear, discourage and love. We should learn to manage these through positive actions.
You are in control. When you choose positive actions you feel better about yourself.
Topic 13
Beowulf an
epic in Old English tells us of the times long before the Anglo-Saxons came to
Canterbury Tales is another masterpiece of the English literature. Geoffrey
Chaucer who is acclaimed today as the father of English poetry wrote it in
1384. His most important contribution was the development of the resources of
the English language for literary purposes. By using English instead of the
more fashionable French spoken in court circles and by the aristocracy he added
tremendously to its prestige. The Canterbury Tales are a series of stories
written in verse. The framework that serves to connect them is a pilgrimage to
Another work which exercised enormous influence on the development of the English language is The King James Bible. It was appointed to be read in churches throughout the Kingdom and in this way had a far-reaching influence on the population. The King James Bible remains the most widely accepted version of the Bible and a classic of the English language. There are many phrases in the King James Bible which have entered the English idiomatic language some of them are: eye for eye, a wolf in sheeps clothing and many others. An exceptional role in the English literature was played by William Shakespeare. He is the author of 37plays and some tragedies and sonnets. Shakespeares genius lay not only in masterful narration but rather in his capacity for revealing the greatness and imperfections of human life in its full richness and movement. In his masterpieces Shakespeare possesses some special merit for every generation. Shakespeare enriched the English language with plenty of phrases such as: what is done cant be undone, to play fast and loose, to much of a good thing.
Topic 14
William Saroyan is an American writer of American origin. He gained his popularity in the thirties as a short-story writer. The long list of Saroyans collections of short stories opens with The Young man on a Flying Trapeze. He is also known as a talented dramatist, the best of his plays being The Time of Your Life. He is the author of a number of novels. His first novel, The Human Comedy, combined his talent of the storyteller with that of a dramatist.
Saroyans works are highly democratic, they are marked by deep belief in human kindness and the power of humor. To him the kind heart and humor are instruments of helping people in overcoming hardships and in resisting evil.
Saroyans characters are mostly common people, poor, noble, and full of humor. His is at his best, however with characters of children and such grown-ups who remain children, preserving their sincerity and sensitivity. No wonder that his manner of writing is characterized by the sincerity of intonation and. His language is both lucid and colorful. Saroyan makes the reader see the world through the eyes of his characters, keeping himself in the background, His humor is mostly mild, sometimes bitter, and more often than no eccentric.
Realistic and democratic at bottom, Saroyans works are not devoid of drawbacks and certain limitations. His firm belief in human kindness makes him resist the seamy side of life, its violence and cruelty. Though being a realist, he cant help exposing it from time to time. But that is always accompanied by the soothing tone and reassuring smile suggesting that in spite of the hardships life will change for the better . Thus his kindness borders on sentimentality.
The Human Comedy came out in 1943. Its
a rare case of the adaptation of a move scenario into a novel. Both the movie
and the novel were a great success. It
reminds us of Saroyans short story collections, each chapter forming an
episode which can be arranged into a story. The novel is set in
The title of the novel is suggestive . It implies that in spite of war and evil, life is going on and will finally win, for the world is full of clever, noble, stoical people, possessing the sense of humor, too.
The problems of environment include a wide range of burning issues: nature distraction, pollution, extermination of wildlife on global scale, endangering human health with industrial and nuclear wastes, shortage of natural resources and others. The problem of pollution has become one of the most serious ones during the last thirty years. That is why mans interest in environmental protection has been stimulated by a great number of problems mankind ever faced. A lot of rainforests are disappearing fast on the planet. But we shouldnt forget that the green belts not only provide restful relaxation but they are regarded as important allies in the battle against air pollution.
Many factories and plants pour their wastes into seas, rivers and lakes. That is why among the simple but far disappearing blessings is the small of clean fresh air and the good taste of pure water. Acid rains, holes in the ozone layer, global warming are caused by pollution.
Now the problem of pollution is being tackled depends greatly on the Government and social initiative. All states ought to join their efforts to save the Earth from an ecological catestrophe. Its urgent to build such purifying systems which anable to avoid the pollution of rivers and reduce the amount of harmful wastes in the air. Natural and energy resources should be used economically. As protecting forests is the key to our survival on the Earth thats why the greenary must be increased. Ecological education should be introduced in all schools since an early age because the should realise the importance of environmental protection. We must save energy because production of electricity causes air pollution, acid rains, global warming. People should use ecologically harmless-salar power, wind power and water power. Recycling saves energy and raw materials and also reduces damage to the countryside.
English meals.
There are four meals a day in English home: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner.
Breakfast is the first meal of the day. It is at about 8 oclock in the morning, and consists of porridge with milk and salt or sugar, eggs boiled or fried, bread and butter with marmalade or jam. Some people like o drink tea, but ether prefer coffee. Instead of porridge they may have fruit juice, or they may prefer biscuits.
The usual time for lunch is 1 oclock. This meal starts with soup or fruit juice. Then follows some meat or poultry with potatoes boiled or fried, carrots and beans. Then a pudding comes. Instead of the pudding they may prefer cheese and biscuits. Last of all coffee black or white. Englishmen often drink something at lunch. Water is usually on the table. Some prefer juice or lemonade.
Tea is the third meal of the day. It is between 4 or 5 oclock, the so -called 5 oclock tea. On the table there is tea, milk or cream, sugar, bread and butter, cakes and jam. Friends and visitors are often present at tea.
Dinner is the fourth meal a day. The usual time is about 7 oclock, and all the members of the family sit down together.
Dinner usually consists of soup, fish or meat with vegetables potatoes, green beans, carrot and cabbage, sweet pudding, fruit salad, ice-cream or cheese and biscuits. Then after a talk they have black or white coffee.
This is the order of meals among English families, but the greater part of the people in the towns, and nearly all country-people, have dinner in the middle of the day instead of lunch. They have tea a little later between 5 or 6 oclock, and then in the evening, before going to bed, they have supper.
So the four meals of the day are either breakfast, dinner, tea, supper; or breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner.
Topic 19
The choice of accommodation available in
For real value of money accommodation, a friendly welcome and the best
chance to meet the British, try a B&B. You will find B&B in towns
resorts and villages throughout
Guesthouses found mainly in seaside towns and other tourist centers are slightly more expensive but have more bedrooms and bathrooms.
Wherever you stay youll be pleased with the quality, friendly service and value for money.
All kind of accommodation are to comply with the most stringent requirements of the visitors. They have convenient location with easy access and parking. They are set in tranquil picturesque surroundings and are sure to suit any taste.
Topic 20
If i can choose a city to go, of course ill
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