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The ability to change the process by which we experience reality is more often valuable than changing the content of our experience of reality.
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The meaning of the communication is the response you get.
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All distinctions human beings are able to make concerning our environment and our behavior can be usefullyrepresented through the visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, and gustatory senses.
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The resources an individual needs in order to effect a change are already within them.
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The map is not the territory.
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The positive worth of the individual is held constant, while the value and appropriateness of internal and/or external behavior is questioned
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There is a positive intention motivating every behavior, and a context in which every behavior has value.
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Feedback vs. Failure - All results and behaviors are achievments, whether they are desired outcomes for a giventask/context, or not.
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Graham Dawes http://experiential-dynamics.org/nlp.htm , , , , - .
The mind and body are aspects of the same system.
In consequence, observation of the body can reveal information about mental processes and adjustment of the body can affect mental processing; similarly, mental processes can affect bodily functions.
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If one person can learn to do something, anyone can learn to do it.
This optimistic presupposition forestalls our setting unnecessary limitation on our ideas about what is possible for our clients (and for ourselves).
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You cannot not communicate.
This is adopted directly from Bateson who pointed out the impossibility of not communicating, and that, for example, not to answer a question is, nonetheless, a communication.
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People always make the best choice available to them.
When a person's behavior either gets them into difficulties or is unpleasant for others, this is due to limitations in the choices they are able to actualize (not those theoretically available) rather than due to their being inherently 'bad' or 'evil'.
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If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten.
This self explanatory presupposition leads to the advice that 'If what you're doing isn't working, do something else'.
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Carolyn K. Sikes. . .
NLP is not a model of repair...it is a model of acquisition...a generative model. , , .
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The techniques of NLP are not NLP. The techniques are a product of the modeling process. NLP is a method of modeling.
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Modeling is a process of acquiring skill. All skills are systematic, patterned and rule-structured - therefore, they can be modeled and duplicated. However, modeling does not result in achieving the whole life experience of another person.
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People are not broken, they work perfectly. They do not need to be fixed.
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All external behavior is the result of internal processes.
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The person with the most behavioral flexibility in a given interaction will control the outcome.
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Resistance is the result of inflexibility on the part of the communicator.
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The highest quality of information in an interaction is behavioral information.
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Individuals communicate at two levels - conscious and unconscious.
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Behavioral flexibility results in more choices. More choices is better than limited choices.
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