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[1] Fachserie 7. Aussenhandel. Statistisches Bundesamt. Wiesbaden. Verlag W. Kohlhammer. GMBH. Stuttgart und Meinz.
[3] IBM (International Business Mashines) - .
[4] Gegenuberstellung des Guterverzeichnisses fur Produktionsstatistken (GP) mit dem Warenverzeichnis fur die Aussenhandelsstatistik (WA). Stand 1989 - Statistisches Bundesamt. Wiesbaden, 1990).
[5] Sous-direction des statistiques et de linformatique de la Direction generale des douanes et des droits indirects du Ministere de leconomie, des finances et du budget.
[6] Nomenclature generale des produis
[7] Nomenclature dactivites et produits
[8] Statistiques du commerce exterieur de la France, Importations-exportations T. 1 Resultats generaux et index alphabetique T. 1. Importations-exportations en SH.
[9] Annuaire statistique de la France.
[10] Le transport du commerce exterieur
[11] Annual Statement of the Overseas Trade of the United Kingdom.
[12] Statistics of Trade through the United Kingdom Ports.
[13] Overseas Trade Statistics of the United Kingdom
[14] The UK classification of commodities for overseaes trade Statistics - the Tariff.
[15] Statistique du commerce exterieur delUnion Economique Belgo-Luxembourgeoise.
[16] le Bulletin de Statistique.
[17] le Bulletin de statistiques des transports.
[18] Statistique du commerce exterieur de la Suisse Statistique annuelle. T. 1-3.
[19] .
[20] Customs value (eng.)
[21] U. S. Department of commerce Bureau of the Gensus.
[22] U. S. Exports Schedule E. Commodity by country.
[23] Highlights of U. S. Export and Import Trade.
[24] Imports by Commodity.
[25] Exports by Commodity.
[26] Preliminary Statement of Canadian international Trade.
[27] Summary of Canadian International Trade.
[28] Australian Bureau of Statistics.
[29] Foreign Trade Australia Comparative and Summary Tables.
[30] Exports (Imports) Australia Annual Summary Tables.
[31] Exports and Imports Australia Trade with Selected Countries and Major Country Groups.
[32] Exports (Imports) Australia.
[33] Import Price Index Australia.
[34] Exports (Imports) Australia Monthly Summary Tables.
[35] Export Price Index, Australia.
[36] 1976 , - 1977 . .
[37] Utrikeshandel.
[38] Utrikeshandel Manadsstatistik.
[39] Statistika meddelanden.
[40] Statistik arsbok.
[41] Almanmanadstatistik.
[42] Department of Statistucs New Zealand.
[43] A monthly Abstract of Statistics. Key Statistics.
[44] principial exports/imports.
[45] New Zealand Harmonised System Classification.
[46] Japan Exports and Imports. Commodity by country.
[47] The Foreign Trade of Japan.
[48] Japan Statistical Yearbook.
[49] Economic Statistics Annual.
[50] Monthly Statistics of the Foreign Trade of India. Vol. 1 - Exports and Reexports. Vol. 2 - Imports.
[51] Statistics of the Foreign Trade of India vol. 1 - Exports and Reexports, vol. 2 - Imports.
[52] Selected Statistics of the Foreign Trade of India.
[53] Statistics of the Air-born cargo in the Foreign Trade of India.
[54] Monthly Abstract of Statistics.
[55] International Trade Statistics Yearbook - series G.
[56] Statistical Yearbook. N. Y., U. N.
[57] Monthly Bulletin of Statistics.
[58] Supplement to the Monthly of Statistics Definitions and Explanatory Notes.
[59] Yearbook of International Trade Statistics N. Y.
[60] World Trade Annual N. Y., U. N.
[61] Supplement to the World Trade Annual N. Y., U. N.
[62] Commodity Trade Statistics N. Y. U. N.
[63] OECD, Statistics of Foreign Trade.
[64] OECD. Main economic indicators /monthly/.
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