. , , ,



431 ,



______________________2006 .


1.      充.3

2.      .4

3.      腅..5

3.1.   Atari.5

3.2.   Atari Video Computer System..5

3.3.   Intellivision...6

3.4.   Colecovision..7

4.      8- 酅..7

4.1.   Nintendo....7

4.2.   ⅅ8

5.      16- 酅9

5.1.   TurboGrafx-16 /PC Engine...9

5.2.   Sega Genesis/MegaDrive..9

5.3.   Super Nintendo.....10

6.      32- 64- 酅.11

6.1.   Atari Jaguar ..11

6.2.   Sega Saturn ...12

6.3.   Sony PlayStation...13

6.4.   Nintendo 64...14

7.      酅..15

7.1.   Sega Dreamcast 128- ...15

7.2.   Sony PlayStation2.16

7.3.   Microsoft Xbox.17

7.4.   GameCube.18

8.      19

8.1.   Microsoft XBox 360 .19

8.2.   Sony PlayStation 3 19

8.3.   Nintendo Revolution .20

9.      充..21

10.  .22


. . - .

Jessie Herz, , . 1997 " : , "Joystick Nation: How Videogames Ate Our Quarters, Won Our Hearts, and Rewired Our Minds, , . , . , . , , .

International Game Developers Association, 2003 $28 ., , "", . NPD Group, 2004 $5.2 . ( 160.7 . ), 2003 ($4.9 . 149 . ). , ($1.1 . 45 . ). - 1.2 . (52.7 . ).

, . Geoffrey R. and Elizabeth F. Loftus " . "Mind at Play: The Psychology of Video Games. , , , : - . . 09 2005 Washington ProFile

- , , .


1958. Willy Higinbotham, Brookhaven National Laboratory . , . . ( ) , . " "Tennis for Two . ""  , , , . "" "" "". : . " " - , . , , , . , . , , " ".

(MIT.edu) , . 196162 . , Steve Russell, " "Spacewar. , . , . " ", , , . - . ( , ). , ARPAnet. Digital Equipment PDP-1 (PDP-1.org). PDP-1 ( ), 9 SpaceWar. , .

, , - , 1966 " " - , . , 1970- - , . 1970- Magnavox , , . Odyssey ( 12 ) 1972 . - . $100. 100 . - . 1982 " ". , , .


3.1. Atari

1972 Ted Dabney $250 Atari, , . , Pong ( "-" ). Pong . : Pong $100, $75 , . Atari 8.5 . . 1975 Atari $40 .

3.2. Atari Video Computer System

1977 . Atari 2600, Atari Video Computer System (VCS). - TIA (Television Interface Adaptor) Atari 100 . .

VCS 200 . 8- CPU MOS Technology 6507 ( 6502), 1,19 128 (121 NTSC 114 PAL), 128 RAM- ( ) . VCS ROM- 4 . , - Fairchild Channel F, 1976 ., Atari . 32 bank switching, paging. , , . , . , , . , .

1977 Atari 250 VCS, 1978- 550 . 800 . - .

1979- VCS 1 . . Atari 2600 Polyvox, Activision. 1980- 2600 Sears.

1980- Atari Taito Space Invaders. 2600 2 . , , 1982- . Atari, , 2 . (!) . , 1990 .

Atari 5200 SuperSystem CES 1982 . Atari 400 . 8- 6502C 1,78 , 16 , 320x192 256- . Atari 5200 , . 5200 , Atari 2600, . 1983 , Commodore 64. Atari 1984- 7800. General Computer 2600 ( 5200), . ( ) . 7800 , - , Pokey.

7800 , .

3.3. Intellivision

1979, Mattel Electronics Intellivision 1980. , , , , , . : 16-bit GI 1600 (500 Khz) , 2 KB , 192 x 160 16 . 200 000 . Mattel , .

Intellivision , . , , , . , 1981, .

Mattel Intellivision II, " , 16- ." Intellivision II : , , , Coleco . Mattel , Intellivision II . Mattel. , Mattel , .

1983 , Mattel Intellivision III CES (Consumer Electronics Show), " ". , Mattel , Intellivision III.

1984, , T.E. Valeski, - Mattel Electronics, , , , , Intellivision 16.5 $. , Intellivision Inc, INTV. 1985 INTV III. Intellivision. , 1985 INTV $6 . .

1987 INTV IV. INTV III, . 1991 .

3.4. ColecoVision

1982, Coleco ColecoVision, . Atari Mattel , , Coleco 1982 ColecoVision Donkey Kong. - 8 bit Z-80A (3.58 Mhz), 8kb , 256 x 192 16 . $175 Atari 2600 Intellivision, 1980- . . (Coleco Nintendo Universal Studios, , Donkey Kong King Kong), Coleco . 1983 Coleco Atari Mattel.

ColecoVision 1980-, , " " . 1983, Coleco ADAM. , , , , ColecoVision, . , ( ), Coleco $80 . , Coleco 1984.

4. 8-

- 8- . , . , , Nintendo ( Nintendo Entertainment System , ), NEC Sega. Atari . Nintendo 1985-1989 . Nintendo 95% / , 92% .

, Sega 1986 Sega Master System, .

4.1 Nintendo

Nintendo 1980- , Game & Watch. . , , !, , .

1981 Nintendo Famicom (Family Computer ), : 6508 8-bit (Motorola) 1.79 Mhz 256x224 (ntsc) è 256x239 (pal) , 52 , 24, 2kb, 2kb, () 500bk. 1983 , . Nintendo Famicom 2,5 . . ( ) Nintendo Entertainment System ( Nintendo, NES). (Packs). .

NES. 249 R.O.B. (Robotic Operating Buddy) , , , Zapper Gyromite ( R.O.B.), Duck Hunt Super Mario Bros. 199 Super Mario Bros. NES .

CES 1985 ; , 100 . NES 1986-. Nintendo . : 20 . NES , .

Nintendo , . , 1988 - Nintendo , .

, , 45 65 . ( Nintendo) NES 450 500 . ( , ). NES .


NES 80- - NES. Nintendo.

Nintendo , NES . Dendy. , , . , . , Nintendo NES, Dendy Junior Dendy Classic. 100 , , 15 . , , , .

Dendy R-Style, NES Kenga Bitman. .

, Nintendo . , , 40 . , , 40 , . 1996- Dendy . , .

5. 16-

5.1. TurboGrafx-16 /PC Engine

, Famicom ( NES), NEC " ", PC Engine. 16- , 256 , . 30 1987 16- . , NES, Famicom . TG16 (HuCards Turbochips) , . , CD-ROM , . PC Engine , , Famicom.

1989, , , NEC PC Engine , - . ( ) . NEC Turbografx-16, Nintendo Sega, .

, NES 1 . Atari 7800, Sega Master System, , . NES 8- . MMC ( ), NES , .

, Sega CD , NEC Hudson Soft , Turbo Technologies Inc (TTI). 1992, NEC TTI. TTI Turbografix, . TTI , Turbografix Turbo CD . BIOS . TurboDuo 10 , 1992 . , System Card 3.0, ( $200) Turbo Duo , Sega , . TurboDuo CD, CD+G, Turbo CD ( ) Super CD ( CD ), , .

, TTI, . , TurboGrafx-16 . NEC TTI , - . , Genesis , , , . , TG16-CD , .

5.2. Sega Genesis/MegaDrive

16- Commodore Amiga Atari ST, 16- 8- . Nintendo 95% / , 92% . Sega , Master System , .

: Motorola M68000 16 bit 7.61Mhz, 64 Kb, () 1 MB, 64 Kb , 512 ( 64), 80 320 x 224 40 x 28 .

MK-1601, "Sega MegaDrive". "Mega" , "Drive" - . , , . MegaDrive Genesis.

NEC PC Engine 30 1987, , Sega Nintendo. , .

"" , 29 1988, 21,000 . 30 1990 .

Megadrive 8- Famicom/NES.

, Nintendo , MD , Super Famicom. SF 80% , .

Sega , Megadrive , Sega Saturn. MegaDrive 1998 .

- MegaDrive - Sega Mega-CD Sega Super 32X (Sega Mega 32X PAL).

MegaDrive 2. , 8- SMS, ( Mega Key). MD, , .

(198898 .) 28,5 . Sega MegaDrive ( ). , , Nomad MegaJet. , .

5.3. Super Nintendo

1988 Nintendo NES / Famicom 16- . NEC PC Engine , Sega Genesis . 16 . - Nintendo Famicom 16- , . Super Famicom 1990, , 80% . Super Famicom : 16-bit 65C816 1.79, 2.68 3.58 M (); 128 RAM; GPU 16-bit; 64 video RAM; 512 x 448 32768 256; 6 .

, / ( Mode 7), . Nintendo , - . , , Super Famicom, . , Nintendo , Sega. Nintendo Super Famicom . , , NES , Super Famicom. 1 1991 SuperNES. , 1992 . SuperNES , -- Sega. . SuperNES Sega 'Street Fighter 2'. , 'Mortal Kombat', Sega . SuperNES . Sega , , Sega CD, , . Nintendo , CD. , Sony Phillips, . Nintendo , Argonaut Software, , . SuperNES . SuperFX, 1993, SuperNES , Star Fox. Nintendo , SuperNES. 32- , Nintendo . 1994, Nintendo, RARE, Donkey Kong Country, . , 32- , SuperNES 32- .

6. 32- 64-

- 32- 64- . , , Sony PlayStation ( , - , ), Sega - Sega Saturn ( , ). Atari, , , , .

6.1. Atari Jaguar

Sega Nintendo 16- , Atari 7- . Flare 1 . Atari Corp. Atari , 'Panther'. 'Flare 2' 'Panther'. 32- Panther , 64- Jaguar.

Atari Jaguar 1993 . IBM. Atari " 64- ". . 5 . Motorola 68000(13.295 ), ( 26.6 MIPS). 3 1) GPU 32- RISC (26.591 MIPS); 2) Programmable Object Processor 64- RISC ; 3) Blitter 64- RISC

Motorola 68000 , 64- . 68000 16- , 32- . 64 , 64 , !

? (158). ... , , . ( , ). , Jaguar 16 ( 2 RAM). , 100% . 55 , 22 . 16- . Jaguar ...

1995 Atari - CD-ROM, 700+ megabit . Jaguar CD $150, 2- CD-ROM, Jaguar, Audio CD, CD+G. 24 . Jaguar CD Virtual Light Machine ( ). , , .

1996 Atari Corp JTS Jaguar . Atari . , . , ...

6.2. Sega Saturn

GigaDrive, Sega, 2D 3D , Model 1. 1993 32- CD- Sony, Sega , 3D. 2D 3D , , .

Sega Saturn. 22 1994 , , - $490. Sega , Nintendo ( Sega, , ).

6 : 2 Hitachi SH2 32-bit RISC CPU , VDP1 32-bit , . ., VDP2 32-bit ; 16-bit Motorola 68EC000 Sound CPU Yamaha Sega Custom Sound Processor (SCSP). 2 RAM; 1,54 video RAM; 540 sound RAM; CD-ROM'a: 512 ; : 32 . 32000 16,7 704 x 480.

Saturn CD-, . , , . , Game Shark, Sega Netlink. 28.8 , , , Netlink. RAM ( ), Saturn .

Saturn 1995 . , , Sony PS , 4 , 11 . , Saturn . Virtua Fighter, . $399, PS $100 .

, Saturn , . - . , Saturn- , JVC, V-Saturn JVC. , Photo CD. Hi-Saturn Hitachi, MPEG VCD ( CD). Hitachi , LCD . , Skeleton Saturn .

, Sega Saturn , 2D. PS ( ). 3D . Saturn 1998 , 1999.

6.3. Sony PlayStation

1991 Nintendo , Super Nintendo (SNES) , ( - , - ) CD- , Sony. , SNES-CD . , Sony , , , , . Nintendo , Sony , , , , . 1994 , , - CD-. Sega Saturn, Virtua Fighter. Sega Saturn ( ) Sony PlayStation (PSX), , , . . , Sega Nintendo , , Sony : , , .

1995 , "Sony" , : 100000 ! , "PlayStation" : 32- RISC R3000 33,87, 3D ( ), 80 , 24- Dolby Surround, 16.7 , 640480, 2 , 512 CD-ROM.

1997 , , Square (Final Fantasy VII), Capcom ( Resident Evil), Namco ( Tekken, ) . , , PSX , , , Nintendo 64, PlayStation . 1999 Sony PlayStation One PSone. , , . . , ( link ) .

6.4. Nintendo 64

Nintendo 16- , . 32- CD . 32- Sony Sega, Nintendo . 64- Project Reality. Nintendo Silicon Graphics. Nintendo 'Ultra 64'.

: 64-bit RISC CPU ( R4000 ) 93,75 93 ; RSP RDP 62,5 500 . 4 RAMBUS DRAM 500 . 640 x 480 32000 16,8 .

Nintendo CD, . , , . Nintendo , , Ultra 64, CD "". CD, . , Nintendo 1995 Super Mario 64 . 3D Super Mario 64 , Nintendo.

20 1996 , Nintendo 64 Super Mario 64 . , 26 , , . , . . . , Full Motion Video , , (, N64 CD). , N64 , CD ( ). , , ( ).

, , Nintendo , , NEs SNES. RARE, SuperNES "Donkey Kong Country", Nintendo 64 , . 64 SuperNES, , Nintendo 64 - ( ). Nintendo , . 1997 Nintendo , Nintendo 64 Disk Drive - N64DD. , N64 . 4 N64 64 . , , . , , , , . , , N64 Expansion Pack. 1998 . 4 RAM. , , , , ... . , Nintendo 64 , , 'rumble', / . 2002 . 30 . N64 " "


Microsoft, Xbox. Xbox . , - Sega Dreamcast (Sega , , ), Sony PlayStation 2 Nintendo GameCube. . - 128- .

7.1. Sega Dreamcast 128-

Dreamcast 128- Sega. 1997 . , Sega 64- Sega Saturn Eclipse, 97 .

97 , Sega : Black Belt, Dural. , (Black Belt BM/Motorola PowerPC 03e CPU 3Dfx Voodoo2, Dural Hitachi SH-4 CPU NEC/Videologic PowerVR2).

, Isao Okawa - Black Belt , Dural . Dural, Video RAM 16Mb, , . .

: 128- Hitachi SuperH4 RISC (360 Mips/1,4 GFLOPS) 200 ., 16 RAM, 8 video RAM, 2 sound RAM, GPU NEC PowerVR Series CPU.

Sega , Microsoft, Hitachi, NEC, Video Logic Yamaha. Windows CE 56K , , .

, Sega VMU. DVD , . 12- CD-ROM. 3 c.

Sega Katana 97 , Dreamcast . . , . Sega - , .

- 25 1998 Dreamcast. 150 000 , Sega , . .

99 Dreamcast Nintendo 64 . 99 Dreamcast 200000 PlayStation. - 9- 1999 $199.99.

- . , , . Ready 2 Rumble , Dreamcast. , Dreamcast Sega.

14 99 , 30 - . Dreamcast . , , Dreamcast . 99 Sega 518 , . 2000 Sega 2 . Sega , Dreamcast DC Zip Drive . - , , , .

, , Sony PlayStation 2 ( Microsoft Xbox Nintendo GameCube). Sony Dreamcast ( Dreamcast Playstation 2), , Sony PlayStation 2, Sega. Sega , .

SegaNet Dreamcast . 2000 30% Dreamcast Dricas, 17 50%. 300000 Dreamcast, 200000. Sega , 2 - Dreamcast . Sony, Dreamcast .

Playstation 2, Dreamcast . Sega Dreamcast 2001, , . Sega .

7.2. Sony PlayStation2

1999 "Sony", , , "PlayStation 2". Toshiba 300 , Proprietary 150 , 32 RAM.

DVD , "PlayStation 2" 4- DVD- ( 24- CD-). "Dual Shock 2", "PlayStation 2", "Dual Shock" , Start Select. , "Nintendo'64" "DreamCast", , PS2 - , . "Multi Tap". PS2 , Sony PSX. , - PlayStation .

"PlayStation 2" 4 2000 , , 970 (!) . Sony : ( PlayStation) , , .

PlayStation 2 26 2000 . 27 , , , . , 2000 2001- , PS2 , PSX.

PlayStation 2 : .

7.3. Microsoft Xbox

Microsoft XBox 2001 . , XBox , , , - Sony PlayStation 2 Nintendo GameCube. Intel Pentium III 733 nVidia. 3D- nVIDIA NV2A (X-Chip) 250 - 1 . (125 . , ). 1920x1080 ( !). , PlayStation 2, XBox, , , , PlayStation 2 . XBox - Sega XBox, .

XBox 8 64 , 3D- (256- 64 3D-), , API - Microsoft Direct X8. PlayStation 2 XBox Dolby Digital, AC-3 DTS , .

XBox " " RDRAM, - DDR (Double Data Rate) SDRAM, Microsoft Micron. 64 (32 2 ) DDR 200 , 6,4 . - .

10/100 / Ethernet- XBox . USB-, , , Microsoft, USB-.

XBox DVD. DVD 5X. (- -) DVD- .

XBox , : Evolution X, Linux Windows 2000, .

XBox , "" . , - CES, . , XBox . , Microsoft XBox Technologies, . , . XBox . , Microsoft XBox . , XBox , "" , . Microsoft , - .

7.4. GameCube

1999 12 , Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), Nintendo - , Dolphin ( GameCube). , , Matsushita (Panasonic) IBM. , , , Nintendo , Dolphin Mini-DVD , Matsushita. , - .

16 2001, E3, Nintendo -, GameCube . - , Nintendo , GameCube, , , GameCube .

Space World 2001, 24 . GameCube - 11 5 .

GameCube , . RISC- IBM Power PC "Gekko" ( ). Gekko, , 0,18- 405 . 32- 64- ( - 13 GFLOPS). GameCube 202,5 . 24 NEC 16 DRAM 100 . 16- 101,25 (, Nintendo 64). .


8.1. Microsoft XBox 360

Xbox 360 , : 2005 . , Microsoft , . .

Xbox 360, Microsoft , Xbox 360 HD (high definition). , 3D . . . , , PlayStation 3 .

. . IBM Power PC : 3 3.2 ; 3 VMX-128, ; 1 . 9 .

Xbox 360 ATI. 500 10 DRAM. Xbox 360 500 .

Xbox 360 512 GDDR3, 700 . . 22.4 /c.


20 . . Xbox , , content. , , , .

DVD- 9 . 12- DVD-ROM.

8.2. Sony PlayStation 3

Sony   10 . 32- Sony PlayStation ( 9 1995 ), Sony Sega Saturn Nintendo 64 . Sony PlayStation 2 , , Dreamcast. Xbox, GameCube...

16 2005 E3 Sony , PlayStation 3. , PlayStation 2 190 . Sony : . PS3 Sony Computer Entertainment "" PlayStation . . . . -, , Unreal Engine 3 , Epic Games, . . ! . -, , , " ". , , Final Fantasy VII: Sony, . "" , E3, .

. PlayStation 3 Cell, : Sony, Toshiba IBM. 3.2 . CPU : 64- ( PowerPC), 3.2 . 8 " " (SPU - synergistic processing unit), . . , PS3 . , Cell 234 . ( Intel Pentium-4 55 .)! 218 .

PlayStation 3 nVidia. RSX (Real Synthesizer), 500 . , 256 700 GDDR3. 22.4 /c. 1.8 TFLOPS.

PS3 256 XDR, 3.2 . 2 TFLOPS, Xbox 360 !

, Sony Blu-Ray. , , DVD- 6 . 50 .

2006 .

8.3. Nintendo Revolution

, GameCube . . Xbox . Microsoft . , GameCube ( , PS2) GC Nintendo Game Boy.

, Nintendo Revolution . Xbox 360 PlayStation 3, . DS, Nintendo . Sony Microsoft , Nintendo .

Nintendo . .  PS3 Xbox 360, , , . . . , Nintendo . : " , Nintend ... !"


. , . , . Atari Jaguar 64, , Atari .

. Sega , . 16- Sega Genesis ( Mega Drive) Super Nintendo. Sega . , Sega Saturn, ( - ) PlayStation. Saturn , . 128- Dreamcast, . , Sega Nintendo, - . . .

. Sony PlayStation 2. , , , , . Sony , , PS2- . Xbox Microsoft. . , , Nintendo GameCube. - - . GameCube .

5-6 . (, , 8- NES PlayStation). . - PlayStation 2, Xbox GameCube - , ...

: - , , . Microsoft, Xbox 360. Sony , PlayStation 3. Nintendo Revolution.

? ? ? , . .








































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