: 14 2008 . 12 . 00 .
: 3 . . -78()
: ..
1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | ||||
2 | DW | DW | |||||
3 | |||||||
4 | |||||||
5 | : | b: | b | : | |||
6 |
. ( - 25 )
, | . . | |||
. 1994 |
1,99765 |
1,10000 |
21,19200 |
434,10000 |
. 1994 | 1,94435 | 31,50000 | 26,59500 | 587,90000 |
1994 | 1,93569 | 81,80000 | 32,32100 | 545,30000 |
. 1994 | 1,91014 | 13,40000 | 39,01800 | 763,20000 |
1994 | 1,97412 | 4,80000 | 44,22900 | 727,10000 |
1994 | 1,96735 | 0,30000 | 50,99500 | 714,20000 |
1994 | 1,85602 | 0,90000 | 55,21100 | 883,20000 |
. 1994 | 1,93775 | 0,40000 | 62,24100 | 879,00000 |
1994 | 1,93324 | 1,60000 | 76,57300 | 930,00000 |
. 1994 | 1,94668 | 1,20000 | 86,99700 | 1354,00000 |
1994 | 1,94556 | 9,80000 | 90,35500 | 1102,00000 |
1994 | 2,03750 | 8,50000 | 95,97500 | 1834,00000 |
. 1995 | 2,13182 | 4,70000 | 105,20000 | 906,11000 |
. 1995 | 2,14076 | 146,00000 | 116,08700 | 1183,06600 |
1995 | 2,15030 | 13,00000 | 124,30300 | 1361,49500 |
. 1995 | 2,15009 | 19,70000 | 141,50100 | 1339,20400 |
1995 | 2,15938 | 4,50000 | 152,64800 | 1726,67000 |
1995 | 2,12483 | 1,20000 | 165,56300 | 1246,91200 |
1995 | 2,02206 | 1,90000 | 183,11800 | 1170,78100 |
. 1995 | 2,01858 | 1,50000 | 197,88400 | 1743,18500 |
1995 | 2,01232 | 183,00000 | 212,22400 | 1933,86000 |
. 1995 | 2,03087 | 5,80000 | 227,40000 | 2249,20900 |
1995 | 2,04612 | 9,50000 | 244,30000 | 2519,10500 |
1995 | 2,12717 | 104,00000 | 249,60000 | 1814,02300 |
. 1996 | 2,14980 | 52,80000 | 281,10000 | 1123,63300 |
. 1996 | 2,15009 | 172,00000 | 292,00000 | 3077,96600 |
1996 | 2,12665 | 15,30000 | 314,00000 | 2558,11600 |
. 1996 | 2,07692 | 9,80000 | 340,40000 | 3249,06600 |
1996 | 2,13973 | 14,80000 | 367,50000 | 2155,53500 |
1996 | 2,06260 | 6,80000 | 400,00000 | 1817,58500 |
1996 | 2,07875 | 8,80000 | 431,50000 | 2436,77600 |
. 1996 | 2,13411 | 28,30000 | 448,00000 | 2153,27700 |
1996 | 2,20780 | 48,00000 | 471,00000 | 1417,66800 |
. 1996 | 2,24839 | 48,60000 | 508,10000 | 1918,29100 |
1996 | 2,25840 | 112,00000 | 522,00000 | 2732,59700 |
1996 | 2,20244 | 146,60000 | 538,00000 | 3900,56000 |
. 1997 | 2,33979 | 189,00000 | 552,80000 | 2611,58000 |
. 1997 | 2,30031 | 172,00000 | 585,20000 | 2665,21000 |
1997 | 2,24358 | 309,00000 | 627,00000 | 4307,07000 |
. 1997 | 2,18119 | 50,20000 | 660,80000 | 3286,84000 |
1997 | 2,21892 | 26,50000 | 680,90000 | 3800,29000 |
1997 | 2,10778 | 18,00000 | 696,30000 | 1782,05000 |
1997 | 2,11785 | 11,10000 | 723,10000 | 3131,94000 |
. 1997 | 2,08701 | 4,80000 | 735,50000 | 2457,14000 |
1997 | 2,13781 | 32,50000 | 748,80000 | 4883,67000 |
. 1997 | 2,16178 | 23,80000 | 770,80000 | 5774,59400 |
1997 | 2,16606 | 23,50000 | 787,90000 | 3318,55300 |
1997 | 2,27416 | 27,10000 | 782,20000 | 3223,76300 |
S:\MMM\|DATA.xls D:\ . D:\|DATA.xls ( : 1994 1997) , ,
1. . , , , . .
2. 5%- , w . w . , ut .
3. Excel, .
4. , , .
5. (, , ) .
6. , .
1 .
1. Money & Credit .
2. Money multiplyer . , :
The money multiplayer comes from our own calculations - divided by monetary base
Theoretical definition
The money multiplier describes the relationship between the monetary base and the money supply. Excess reserves of the commercial banking sector are expanded through banking loans which create new deposits.
Practical definition
M2 is chosen as the definition of money in accordance with most international bodies. However, as with all definitions of money their is a certain degree of arbitrariness involved with the definition. In Russia, for instance, it is substantially more difficult to add and remove money from deposit accounts than in OECD countries, making money far more illiquid than in these countries.
The money multiplier only has problems insofar as the two components face problems.
Period covered
Money multiplier figures go back to December 1997.
, . , .
. . , , , . , , .
, .
1994 1997 .
3. Ratio . , .
4. The labour market .
5. Number of employees involved in strikes , .
6. The enterprises ()
7. Overdue liabilities of enterprises, 4 sectors, end of period 4 .
Russian Economic Trends receives the data from the Goskomstat publication, SESR. SESR receive the information from the Federal Bancruptcy Agency (FBA), who themselves produce the data from the balance sheets of the enterprises themselves.
Theoretical definition
The value of the gross stock of total and overdue receivables owed by all sectors of the economy to industrial enterprises.
Practical definition
The figures show the value of the gross credit provided by large and medium-sized industrial enterprises to the economy in general. The value of the credit is revalued as the balance sheet is revalued. If this is not done frequently then the receivables will tend to be undervalued.
Overdue receivables are defined as those not received for at least three months.
The data presented is only for large and medium sized enterprises. Smaller scale enterprises are not covered. As small-scale enterprises are likely to have relatively less economic power, the percentage of their output that is covered by overdue receivables is likely to be quite high. They do, however, form only a small amount of GDP - around 12% (see Industrial Production).
In the data presented to the Federal Bancruptcy Agency, there will be two counter-acting incentives at work. On the one hand, the firm will want to underestimate its size in order to limit tax liability, while on the other hand it will want to persuade the FBA that their problems are ones of liquidity rather than financial viability.
It is not clear how often receivables are revalued on the balance sheets of industrial firms, or how such revaluations take place, there by creating uncertainty about the extent of the problem.
Total receivables stopped being published in Goskomstat from January 1996, leaving only overdue.
Period covered
The Russian Economic Trends database has figures going back to July 1992.
. , .
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, . , . , .
, .
. . , , , - , , , . - 12 %.
, , . , , . , , , , .
, , , .
1996, .
8. The state budget
9. Federal expends. Law enforcement - . .
10. th , ( ).
11. bn R , .
W . , Y , , Z .
1. .
, . , ( ) .
- , : , .
, , , .
, . .
- , .
- , , . , , .
2. Y , .
. 398 ( ) .
, , , .
. . , , , . , , . , , . , Y W, W Y.
3. Z - .
- , .
- . , - , . - , , , .
- , (, ) .
. 70 , 29.07.98 . 34, . 266 , , , , , , , .
( ) . , . , , .. , . , , , .
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, . , , . . , , , , , - , .
, , Z W, W Z.
- , .
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, . .
- . (DW)
DW =
-1 ≤ ρ ≤ 1, DW 0 ≤ DW ≤ 4.
(ρ = 0), DW .
, DW < 2, , DW > 2.
DW 0 : ρ = 0 1 : ρ > 0 1 : ρ < 0. d* , DW > d* 0 , . ( ). , , dU dL ( dU > dL), , , , dL < d* < dU. [dL; dU] . :
1) 0 < DW < dL ;
2) dL < DW < dU ;
3) dU < DW < 4 dU ;
4) 4 dU < DW < 4 dL - ;
5) 4 dL < DW < 4 .
W .
W |
∆ W |
U | ∆ U |
434,10000 | 405,94396 | 28,15604 | ||
587,90000 | 153,80000 | 477,0841018 | 110,81590 | 82,65986 |
545,30000 | -42,60000 | 548,2242436 | -2,92424 | -113,74014 |
763,20000 | 217,90000 | 619,3643853 | 143,83561 | 146,75986 |
727,10000 | -36,10000 | 690,5045271 | 36,59547 | -107,24014 |
714,20000 | -12,90000 | 761,6446689 | -47,44467 | -84,04014 |
883,20000 | 169,00000 | 832,7848107 | 50,41519 | 97,85986 |
879,00000 | -4,20000 | 903,9249524 | -24,92495 | -75,34014 |
930,00000 | 51,00000 | 975,0650942 | -45,06509 | -20,14014 |
1354,00000 | 424,00000 | 1046,205236 | 307,79476 | 352,85986 |
1102,00000 | -252,00000 | 1117,345378 | -15,34538 | -323,14014 |
1834,00000 | 732,00000 | 1188,48552 | 645,51448 | 660,85986 |
906,11000 | -927,89000 | 1259,625661 | -353,51566 | -999,03014 |
1183,06600 | 276,95600 | 1330,765803 | -147,69980 | 205,81586 |
1361,49500 | 178,42900 | 1401,905945 | -40,41094 | 107,28886 |
1339,20400 | -22,29100 | 1473,046087 | -133,84209 | -93,43114 |
1726,67000 | 387,46600 | 1544,186228 | 182,48377 | 316,32586 |
1246,91200 | -479,75800 | 1615,32637 | -368,41437 | -550,89814 |
1170,78100 | -76,13100 | 1686,466512 | -515,68551 | -147,27114 |
1743,18500 | 572,40400 | 1757,606654 | -14,42165 | 501,26386 |
1933,86000 | 190,67500 | 1828,746795 | 105,11320 | 119,53486 |
2249,20900 | 315,34900 | 1899,886937 | 349,32206 | 244,20886 |
2519,10500 | 269,89600 | 1971,027079 | 548,07792 | 198,75586 |
1814,02300 | -705,08200 | 2042,167221 | -228,14422 | -776,22214 |
1123,63300 | -690,39000 | 2113,307363 | -989,67436 | -761,53014 |
3077,96600 | 1954,33300 | 2184,447504 | 893,51850 | 1883,19286 |
2558,11600 | -519,85000 | 2255,587646 | 302,52835 | -590,99014 |
3249,06600 | 690,95000 | 2326,727788 | 922,33821 | 619,80986 |
2155,53500 | -1093,53100 | 2397,86793 | -242,33293 | -1164,67114 |
1817,58500 | -337,95000 | 2469,008071 | -651,42307 | -409,09014 |
2436,77600 | 619,19100 | 2540,148213 | -103,37221 | 548,05086 |
2153,27700 | -283,49900 | 2611,288355 | -458,01135 | -354,63914 |
1417,66800 | -735,60900 | 2682,428497 | -1264,76050 | -806,74914 |
1918,29100 | 500,62300 | 2753,568638 | -835,27764 | 429,48286 |
2732,59700 | 814,30600 | 2824,70878 | -92,11178 | 743,16586 |
3900,56000 | 1167,96300 | 2895,848922 | 1004,71108 | 1096,82286 |
2611,58000 | -1288,98000 | 2966,989064 | -355,40906 | -1360,12014 |
2665,21000 | 53,63000 | 3038,129206 | -372,91921 | -17,51014 |
4307,07000 | 1641,86000 | 3109,269347 | 1197,80065 | 1570,71986 |
3286,84000 | -1020,23000 | 3180,409489 | 106,43051 | -1091,37014 |
3800,29000 | 513,45000 | 3251,549631 | 548,74037 | 442,30986 |
1782,05000 | -2018,24000 | 3322,689773 | -1540,63977 | -2089,38014 |
3131,94000 | 1349,89000 | 3393,829914 | -261,88991 | 1278,74986 |
2457,14000 | -674,80000 | 3464,970056 | -1007,83006 | -745,94014 |
4883,67000 | 2426,53000 | 3536,110198 | 1347,55980 | 2355,38986 |
5774,59400 | 890,92400 | 3607,25034 | 2167,34366 | 819,78386 |
3318,55300 | -2456,04100 | 3678,390482 | -359,83748 | -2527,18114 |
3223,76300 | -94,79000 | 3749,530623 | -525,76762 | -165,93014 |
1. W:
DW = = 0,568043736
dU dL 5% = 48 dL = 1,50; dU = 1,59.
: DW = 0,568043736 < 1,50 = dL, W .
DW = = 1,843115542
dU dL 5% = 48 dL = 1,46; dU = 1,63.
: DW = 1,843115542 > 1,63 = dU DW = 1,843115542 < 4 1,63 = 2,37 = 4 dU, Ut .
: Ut.
, b .
1. . :
W | X, Y, Z |
2. L = L [X; Y; Z; W]
L = L [X; Y; Z; W] :
XX | XY | XZ | XW |
YX | YY | YZ | YW |
ZX | ZY | ZZ | ZW |
WX | WY | WZ | WW |
3. . , .
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
31 | 32 | 33 | 34 |
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 |
, , . . . : CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER .
4. , b
(W), , b :
a = -41/44 b = -42/44 = -43/44
a = 726,022045 b = 2,846786592 = 3,902613829
t |
799,1173637 |
945,4437967 |
1117,269068 |
967,2375038 |
916,6366705 |
935,1461501 |
1034,137686 |
1000,812456 |
1063,429954 |
1093,216886 |
1131,615033 |
1083,099645 |
1039,806389 |
1478,055819 |
1124,567706 |
1210,913219 |
1204,401395 |
1270,489403 |
1415,606965 |
1474,617739 |
2051,821526 |
1593,127141 |
1658,542161 |
1889,406138 |
1850,150248 |
2231,813541 |
1888,600979 |
2012,07483 |
2086,469922 |
2246,531592 |
2363,432552 |
2443,143732 |
2535,482062 |
2652,51183 |
2879,974844 |
3081,540325 |
3160,286872 |
3267,001668 |
3861,325656 |
3301,77932 |
3285,364063 |
3401,952718 |
3479,589956 |
3532,442981 |
3626,319715 |
3670,005424 |
3732,779683 |
3642,297672 |
2077,737292 |
() , .
1. ( )
2. ( ):
, j < m
, j ≠ m.
3. ( ):
, 2 ,
4. ( )
, 2,
, .
, .
0 < < 1.
, .
= 0,680976589.
1. f g , : , Y; Z.
L [Y; Z; X].
YY | YZ | YX |
ZY | ZZ | ZX |
XY | XZ | XX |
, . ( ), , f g :
f = -31/33 g = -32/33
2. . : , :
3. m; n , : W, Y; Z.
L [Y; Z; W], :
YY | YZ | YW |
ZY | ZZ | ZW |
WY | WZ | WW |
. ( ), , m; n .
m = -31/33 n = -32/33
4. . : , - : .
5. t (0,05; 2)
6. [d1; d2] :
d1 = ; d2 =
, w , .
: a, b, .
Ut | Vt |
0,01149 | -373,36131 |
-0,06013 | -313,88489 |
-0,09823 | -500,65379 |
-0,08774 | -140,33282 |
-0,02043 | -174,70249 |
-0,02657 | -201,65287 |
-0,13940 | -49,72967 |
-0,05933 | -78,73631 |
-0,06845 | -83,73499 |
-0,05766 | 302,64743 |
-0,06447 | 17,18988 |
0,02664 | 731,55961 |
0,12052 | -221,19665 |
0,04820 | -329,98551 |
0,12914 | 143,16744 |
0,12048 | 40,82041 |
0,13511 | 424,17334 |
0,09884 | -95,33570 |
-0,00916 | -238,17639 |
-0,01648 | 280,53353 |
-0,12722 | -25,59792 |
-0,01471 | 666,76066 |
-0,00616 | 865,03808 |
0,02108 | -90,69097 |
0,06339 | -772,54325 |
-0,00533 | 850,02447 |
0,05195 | 631,80160 |
-0,00201 | 1238,44989 |
0,05056 | 32,35612 |
-0,03110 | -406,36945 |
-0,02473 | 91,30160 |
0,01528 | -300,96111 |
0,07173 | -1169,88938 |
0,10176 | -808,09808 |
0,07283 | -200,25117 |
-0,00670 | 823,88454 |
0,10308 | -623,54830 |
0,06409 | -648,32138 |
-0,08003 | 503,84878 |
-0,00840 | -8,84112 |
0,03691 | 488,12670 |
-0,07376 | -1566,35279 |
-0,06725 | -298,82295 |
-0,09803 | -1004,13310 |
-0,06623 | 1305,43489 |
-0,04350 | 2136,17145 |
-0,04377 | -382,44987 |
0,06391 | -464,93619 |
Ut b | Vt b |
-23,47559 | -431,84736 |
26,95313 | -280,81400 |
80,74856 | -342,09514 |
22,15600 | -140,96409 |
-9,90273 | -217,72764 |
-11,55513 | -253,84115 |
30,52604 | -64,03657 |
0,08075 | -121,58258 |
3,66611 | -122,99332 |
-1,19381 | 257,38458 |
7,98798 | -6,87496 |
-27,11122 | 673,72051 |
-65,41348 | -319,91460 |
73,11726 | -86,84057 |
-63,01018 | 57,55076 |
-55,37166 | -29,34051 |
-73,45752 | 313,15071 |
-63,30661 | -203,79782 |
-23,63244 | -312,10249 |
-22,00609 | 205,92063 |
162,53294 | 344,73506 |
-20,78616 | 596,90809 |
-21,89493 | 798,23264 |
42,82658 | 46,53499 |
-15,18956 | -769,75868 |
104,44682 | 1143,49027 |
-42,46293 | 548,63213 |
-28,21046 | 1156,68200 |
-45,13863 | -59,43497 |
-22,92131 | -494,19868 |
-25,33372 | 1,22374 |
-25,53171 | -362,55005 |
-32,00032 | -1208,91214 |
-44,59080 | -861,16131 |
15,79210 | -102,42111 |
71,93404 | 1023,80054 |
64,16036 | -366,05602 |
63,41561 | -421,26096 |
223,53285 | 1082,09466 |
-10,45185 | -44,69351 |
-47,13174 | 380,75194 |
-13,66517 | -1658,80454 |
-22,95825 | -413,00718 |
-17,20387 | -1124,27874 |
-7,67160 | 1235,51087 |
-24,15877 | 2035,81371 |
-25,19031 | -485,93811 |
-61,94858 | -594,88904 |
Ut | Vt |
-161,75633 | -996,28985 |
-49,68961 | -551,46315 |
-5,33501 | -592,78957 |
13,53108 | -151,23091 |
-96,20156 | -564,97419 |
-79,81521 | -532,43409 |
117,65294 | 308,21632 |
-17,21113 | -188,98085 |
5,48894 | -112,00876 |
-7,56409 | 231,26339 |
1,76847 | -22,71336 |
-152,57175 | 155,47175 |
-308,61077 | -1338,08505 |
-246,85626 | -1258,37446 |
-317,64491 | -1002,71812 |
-296,93056 | -1030,51453 |
-309,02026 | -683,71813 |
-237,77974 | -951,53990 |
-41,76454 | -407,81682 |
-21,16191 | 185,98051 |
89,27625 | 230,44919 |
-10,92489 | 613,44624 |
-18,72071 | 787,50315 |
-109,51511 | -502,77830 |
-141,29142 | -1277,92309 |
-74,91716 | 553,77971 |
-85,87313 | 334,38535 |
24,13273 | 1331,17188 |
-55,28190 | -146,67885 |
107,15555 | -10,75987 |
111,60315 | 508,88745 |
41,30287 | -128,67759 |
-54,17733 | -1329,24725 |
-87,13975 | -1074,29363 |
-60,81987 | -384,73432 |
68,41568 | 1086,01965 |
-134,92937 | -1075,28411 |
-42,07840 | -766,00742 |
162,38522 | 1079,47115 |
182,77542 | 698,36254 |
126,35774 | 1008,05139 |
330,39252 | -330,50831 |
336,50046 | 965,58139 |
399,40754 | 483,43041 |
337,66108 | 2575,11109 |
314,02384 | 3330,10235 |
323,56685 | 848,52978 |
132,18434 | 97,32975 |
a = 726,022045
b = 2,846786592
= 3,902613829
[d1; d2] : [-3484,837463; 2032,793373].
: 0 , 0,05 w .
[d1; d2] b : [-0,525333618; 6,218906803].
: 0 , 0,05 w .
[d1; d2] : [2,802620379; 5,002607279].
: 0 , 0,05 w .
w, .
171 : 14 2008 . 12 . 00 .
Copyright (c) 2025 Stud-Baza.ru , , , .