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I now have the choice in joining of social anthropology which is not the choice I would have had I gone another university in just an international relations. , , , , .
, , . "" , , :
St Andrews is one of the most highly rated universities in the UK being ranked best in Scotland for research. . , .
The university holds one of the most important photographic collection in Scotland. .
St Andrews is one of only two universities outside the US in the Folger Institute consortium and this relationship has been of particular benefit to the School of English. . , .
Were the most international of Scotlands universities at any one time students from over 100 different countries are studying here and almost a third of undergraduates come from outwith the United Kingdom. - 100 .
A Scottish university with a cosmopolitan atmosphere. .
. , :
Creative Writing has been taught at St Andrews since 1993, when the MLitt degree was established as the first of its kind in Scotland. . 1993 , .
Ininnovative project bringing art house cinema to St Andrews will officially launch next month, with the screening of the latest Polish box-office hit. , . , .
The screening of "Testosterone" marks the launch of the new "Cinema and Cultural Engagement" project, spearheaded by the Universitys Centre for Film Studies and supported by a Russell Trust Development Grant. "" " ", .
, . , ( ), , , . , , "".
, :
Theology was the first subject here. .
In the sixteen hundreds the red gown was virtually uniform for St Andrew students. First to introduce to help the authority to stop students visiting local drinking establishments it is now worn only on for more special occasions. 16 . , .
Whenever you walk in St Andrews, and it is a walking town, you are reminded of its colourful and rich history. . , , .
Much of Scotland can be accessed conveniently from St Andrews. . .
St Andrews is set in a spectacular position. . .
. , , : , ; , , .
, , . :
) , :
The University of St Andrews continues to maintain an enviable reputation for success in teaching. . .
It is home for world-wide intellectual community. .
The university has a proven tradition of world-class teaching and research. .
For almost six centuries we have upheld a tradition of excellence, attracting scholars of international repute and the brightest from every continent. , , .
St Andrews is one of the most highly rated universities in the UK being ranked best in Scotland for research. . , .
The University of St Andrews is Scotlands top rated research institution and one of the leading research-intensive universities in the world. . , .
) :
Students are still taught by some of Scotlands leading poets and novelists, as well as expert, academic and critics. , , , .
St Andrews has the highest accumulating Teaching Quality Assessment average rating in Scotland. - . .
Over many centuries St Andrews has attracted outstanding scholars from around the world who have continually enhanced the reputation of this academic gem by conducting ground breaking research across all disciplines within the Faculties of Arts, Divinity, Medicine and Science. . , , , , , .
) :
The English Teaching Centre at the University of St Andrews exists to provide high quality English language training for overseas students. .
) :
Working towards a Research Degree entails the accumulation of a range of skills that are widely applicable for future careers. , .
Graduate unemployment is low and the level of entry qualifications held is only just below that of Oxbridge. - , .
) :
All disciplines at St Andrews include world leading research with academic staff working at the cutting edge of their fields. . .
, , , , , :
How others see us. In the Times Good University Guide 2007 the University was named Scottish University of the year. . 2007 .
, , , , , , , , .
. , , , . , " ". , , , , . , , , . , :
Coming to St Andrews have all the facilities on the different levels. .
Lifelong leaning at St Andrews. A sixty year association with the University of St Andrews reached a pinnancle today when Honorary Professor Douglas Lloyd finally received a PhD at the age of 87. . . 87 .
. , . :
If you want to set up a new club, the union will help you. , .
The academic family is lately a way for first year to get incorporated in students life. .
. , , , , , .
, :
stress- ,
homesickness ,
anxiety/panic / ,
relationships - ,
eating concerns ,
family problems ,
depression - ,
flatmate problems ,
sexuality- ,
other personal issues .
, :
Student Support Services provide a comprehensive support system for all students, with specialised advice and counselling in areas of finance, disabilities, international students, academic issues, health concerns, mental health issues, personal and emotional concerns, etc. , , , , , .
The Wardens and their teams provide practical help and advice on welfare matters to students in Halls of Residence including at nights and weekends. F t .
Out of Hours Emergency Service provides cover for emergency situations, such as ill health or personal crises. , .
The University's Police Liaison Officer gives information and raises awareness regarding safety issues, and can help with any other incidents. , .
. , .
, , :
Psychology is one of the several subjects of the university. .
What is definitely in university that you can take lots of different subjects. , , .
. :
We like to meet here and discuss our students life, and have a very good location, have a rest. , , .
There are here twenty societies in university, considering 6000 students. , 6000 .
The sport facilities are rather wide in university. .
You can take part in everything from the alternative music society to the university chore. , .
. , Involve yourself ! :
the student experience ,
events and meetings ,
local churches ,
societies ,
catholic society- ,
christian union ,
islamic society ,
jewish society ,
pagan society ,
religious & theological studies fellowship ,
St Mary's College Society O . ,
sport facilities ,
Athletic Union Clubs C ,
Music Centre- ,
Volunteering Opportunities .
, academic matters . :
schools and subjects ,
student record card ,
examinations overview ,
examination timetable ,
career matters ,
computer and IT -support ,
library .
, :
Apart from the language course students may choose from a variety of Russian in literature, intellectual history, linguistics, philology. "" : , , , .
- , . , . . "University Government and Organisation", (The Chancellor , The Rector , The Senior Governor ), :
was regarded as the best scientist
, :
The spiritual and physical welfare of our students is an institutional priority. - .
St Andrews commitment to student welfare and safety is reflected in our consistently low out rate at just over 1% its the lowest in Scotland and the lowest in the UK behind only Oxford and Cambridge. . 1 % - , .
. :
Please note that our department has high English language requirements for overseas students who are not native speakers. , , , .
(), . , :
Why do people come to St Andrews? There are plenty of universities, so why this one? What would attract them? . ? , ? ?
, " ":
Hi, Im Kate. Im in Senior Honours, and despite being an English student at heart, who applied to St Andrews to do History, - , . , , , . ,
, , . . .
. , , , .
, , . .
, , :
a world-class university ( ),
world-famous for ( ),
the highest academic potential ( ),
intellectual property ( ),
a key role in major projects ( ) .
student satisfaction ( )
higher level of satisfaction ( )
special event ( )
strong position ( )
unique initiative ( )
enviable reputation ( )
, , :
- to top (, ), to lead ();
- runner up (), winner (), success (), achievement ();
- : highest ( ), greenest ( ), safest ( ), largest ( );
- top :
top university ( );
among the top five universities ( );
top in Scotland ( );
top for research ( );
top in the UK ( );
top institution ( );
- : 1st ( ), 1 of only 2 ( ), 1 of most ( ), 3d oldest ( )
, :
to provide (),
to develop (),
to foster (),
to implement ( ),
to support (),
to facilitate (),
to ensure (),
to maintain () .
, provide, , , link (), information (), help () support (). , , :
implementation (),
improvements (),
facilities (, ),
support (),
guidance (, , )
commitment () .
, , .
, :
abundance (),
a wide variety ( ),
an enormous range of interests ( );
student diversity ( ) .
, :
The support systems include: Student Support Services provide a comprehensive support system for all students, The Wardens and their teams provide practical help, Emergency Service provides cover for emergency situations. - : , , .
What do we do? We help you explore, we provide support, we provide an opportunity to talk through any difficulties or issues. ? , , .
. , , , - , . , , , . , , .
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1. . . / .. // . - 2004. - 2. - . 93-97.
2. . . // . - .: , 1990. . 136-137.
3. .. : . / .. . .: , 2001. 328.
4. . . / .. // ... . . . . .16(55) 1: . , 2004. . 22-27.
5. . . ( ): . . . . , 2003.-28.
6. . . . . . / .. . .: , 1989. 307.
7. . . , , / . . - .: "", 2000. - 224 .
8. . . / . . // . - 2006. - 5. - . 141-146.
9. .. / . . // . .18. . 2006.-1. .105-114.
10. .. / .. // , .-: , 2006.- .139-148.
11. .. / .. // . - 2002. - 3.-. 9-13.
12. .. / .. .- .: , 2006.-288.
13. . . : , , / .. . : , 2004. 390.
14. .. /.. // : . . . , 2000.- .22-28.
15. .. / .. . - : , 2003.-328.
16. .. / .. // : . : - - "", 1999.- .266-273.
17. .. ( ) / .. // : .. . - ., 2001.- .22-30.
18. .. : / .. .- .: , 1998.-224.
19. .. : / .. . .: , 2006.-352.
20. . ? / . // . - 2003. - 1.-.31-32.
21. .. PR-: / .. .- : , 2001. 317.
22. . . . : . / .. . - .: , 1998.- 343.
23. . . ( ) / .. // . .: . . -, 1995. . 144-238.
24. . . ( ) / .. // . . - ., - 2006. - . 95-103.
25. . . XX . . . . . . . /. . , . . // . - .: , 2005. - . 263-277.
26. , . . : , / .. , .. // . - 2005.- 6. - . 22-26.
27. .. - : / .. . .:- , 1997.- 178.
28. . / . , . . .: , 2006 292.
29. .. / .. . -: --, 2000.- 378.
30. .. / .. . .: -, 2000.- 432.
31. .. / .. . .: , 1998.- 432.
32. : / .. , .. , .. . . .. . - .: , 2001. - 360.
33. .. / .. // . . I, 1999.- .30-38.
34. . / . // : . - 2001. - 11.-.-9.
35. // . - 2003. - 1 .-.33.
36. . / . // . . .: , 1999. . 14-53.
37. . . ? / . . // . - 2004. - 6. - . 106-107.
38. .. : . / .. . - .: , 2005. 192.
39. .. / .. . .: , 2004. 220.
40. .. / .. // : : - . , 2007. .88-94.
41. . / .., .., .. .; . ... - .: , 2004. - 279 .
42. . . / .. // . 2000.- 4.- . 116-122.
43. .. : : . / .. . .: : , 2006. -136.
44. . / . . .: , 1980.-489.
45. . 5 / . // . - 2003. - 7.-. 13-16.
46. . . // http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk.
University of St Andrews
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Scotland's first university
St Andrews is Scotland's first university and the third oldest in the UK.
For almost six centuries we have upheld a tradition of excellence, attracting scholars of international repute and the brightest students from every continent.
Today we continue to offer the highest standards of teaching and research, all from a superbly picturesque and historic setting.
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Sesquicentennial Carnival
Celebrations will be held in St Andrews this year to mark the 150th anniversary of the University's oldest sports society.
University gears up for Sport Relief
Hundreds of people will run in various guises for charity this weekend.
Green cars gather in St Andrews
Showcase of environmentally-friendly cars forms centrepiece of Green Week (10-16 March)
See all news "
University of St Andrews, College Gate, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9AJ +44 (1334) 476161 2007 University of St Andrews Webmaster
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Academic Audit
Supporting the enhancement strategy e.g. ELIR, FELT (Forum for Enhancing Learning and Teaching).
Supporting and implementing the University's Annual Review.
The Quality Assurance Handbook provides an overview of University policies and information related to learning and teaching.
Enhancement-Led Institutional Review (ELIR)
A team of four Reviewers, appointed by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), visited St Andrews on 15-16 February and again during the week beginning 20 March, to review the University's approach to the quality assurance and enhancement of its learning and teaching. They have since written a report for the Agency which is available on the QAA website.
The Reviewers were:
Professor Graham Chesters, University of Hull
Mr Tim Cobbett, University of Edinburgh
Professor Monica Shaw, University of Northumbria
Dr Andrew Walker, Scottish Agricultural College
Mr Cobbett was the student member of the team. All four were trained in the ELIR method by QAA. They were supported by:
Ms Joanna Gamblin, University of Stirling (Review Secretary)
Ms Ailsa Crum, QAA Scotland
The team did not visit different parts of the University. Rather, they were based in the Gateway Building, where they spent most of their time interviewing small groups of staff and students.
As part of the review process the Reviewers were sent copies of:
The University's Reflective Analysis Reflective Analysis (PDF, 5,795 KB). This is a 60 page account written in accordance with guidelines provided by the QAA. It describes and evaluates the University's approach to learning and teaching, focussing on quality assurance, the student experience, and the University's quality enhancement strategy. A supplement Supplement (PDF, 5,350 KB) containing 3 Case Studies which illustrate aspects of our teaching and how innovation is encouraged and 18 School Summaries.
The Reflective Analysis in particular is supported by an extensive body of documentation accessible from hyperlinks within.
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Reflective Analysis (PDF, 5,795 KB)
Supplement (PDF, 5,350 KB)
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Student Handbook 2007-08 (PDF, 288 KB)
New students matriculating February 2008
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Orientation flyer February 2008 (PDF, 30 KB)
Safety, Support and Well-being
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Advisers and counselling
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Tech and Administrative Services
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Dissertation/thesis printing and binding
Wide format poster printing and laminating
Waste and Recycling
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For all students
Students needed for research
Reporting of absences from Examinations
Notification of Circumstances affecting Academic Performance
Nightline - if halls are open, we're open!
Volunteers needed for Chinese events
For postgraduates
Russell Trust Awards 2008
Announcements for all students:
Work available for Development ?7.50per hr (30 Jan deadline)
Evening Pilates Class - starts 8 Jan
Summer Internships Abroad - The SaltireFoundation
Introducing the Deans' List award
LIS Newsletter December 2007
University Library Extended Opening Jan 08
Sports Centre free usage 7 Jan
Permaculture Group Tree Planting and Website Launch
Announcements for postgraduate students:
Russell Trust Awards 2008
University news
Press releases
View all | Submit
Fri, 11 JanWinter Reflectorium ...
Sat, 12 JanGateway Galleries Exhibition - A Different...
Gateway Galleries Exhibiton - A Different...
Thu, 31 Jan
Gateway Galleries Exhibition - A Different...
Wed, 13 FebPostgraduate Visiting Day ...
More events...
Semester Dates
View all
Semester 1: 1 Oct 2007 - 25 Jan 2008
Semester 2: 11 Feb 2008 - 30 May 2008
University of St Andrews, College Gate, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9AJ +44 (1334) 476161 2007
How others see us
The University of St Andrews continues to maintain an enviable reputation for success in teaching, research and employment. St Andrews was placed sixth in the Sunday Times UK University Guide table 2007 and again tops the Guide's league table of Scottish universities and runner up for the Sunday Times UK University of the Year award. The newspaper said: 'St Andrews has equalled its highest-ever ranking this year with a string of improvements in performance during the past year. Our Scottish University of the Year in 2006 and a winner of the UK University of the Year title back in 2002, this is the nearest a former winner of the UK title has come to repeating the trick.'
In the Times Good University Guide 2007 the University was named Scottish university of the year and attributed the award to the 'University's consistently outstanding teaching and research' combined with its success in the National Student Survey which measured student satisfaction with teaching and resources at their university. St Andrews students rated themselves as the top mainstream university in the UK (second only to the Open University).
In May 2007 St Andrews was named fourth best university in the UK and the 'big success story' of this year's Guardian University Guide. Its environmental credentials were also recognised in June 2007 when it was rated one of the greenest universities in the UK in the Times Higher Education Supplement 'green league' in joint top place in Scotland and joint eighth place in the UK. St Andrews was commended for its carbon emissions, recycling rates and energy consumed from renewable resources.
Teaching Quality
St Andrews has the highest accumulating Teaching Quality Assessment average rating in Scotland. (Further details on Facts and Figures page.)
Research Assessment Exercise
The latest Research Assessment Exercise (in 2001) saw St Andrews win the most consistently high set of ratings of any Scottish University. (Further details on Facts and Figures page.)
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Student Experience
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Religious & Theological Studies Fellowship
Solid Rock
St Mary's College Society
Interhall Energy Competition
Sport and Exercise
Sport facilities and classes
Athletic Union Clubs
Music Centre
Volunteering Opportunities
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Personal helpers
Orientation 2007
Academic Matters
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Sports Centre membership
Prospective Students
Administration A-Z
About the University
News and Events
Research at the University of St Andrews
The University of St Andrews is Scotland's top rated research institution and one of the leading research-intensive universities in the world.
Over many centuries St Andrews has attracted outstanding scholars from around the world who have continually enhanced the reputation of this academic gem by conducting ground breaking research across all disciplines within the Faculties of Arts, Divinity, Medicine and Science.
In the most recent UK Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), the University of St Andrews was placed top in Scotland and in the top 10 in the UK for research, with internationally leading research recognised in all academic disciplines.
Research varies from single scholar endeavours to large research groups within the 18 Academic Schools. Over 40 Research Centres and Institutes bring researchers together to focus on specific topics with an emphasis on interdisciplinary research.
In 2006-07 the total value of research grants and contracts awarded to the University was over £37 million.
Research in Schools
Centres and Institutes
Results of RAE 2001
Research highlights
Research grant awards
Research pooling
Knowledge transfer
PhD opportunities
Public engagement
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Current staff > Research
University Government
The constitution of the University is laid down in a series of Acts of Parliament enacted between 1858 and 1966. Under these the University Court is the supreme governing body having responsibilities for the finances, appointment of staff and general managerial functions. Its twenty-five members come from within the University, the local community and beyond. The Court is chaired by the Rector, elected by the matriculated students of the University.
The Senatus Academicus is the supreme academic body under the presidency of the Principal. It consists of all professors, heads of Schools, a number of elected non-professorial members of staff, and four student members. Much of the Senate's business is delegated to a smaller body, the Academic Council.
The University is divided into four Faculties - Arts, Divinity, Science, Medicine - representing all permanent members of academic staff in each school in the Faculty (members of cross-Faculty Schools may be identified with either or both Faculty constituencies). The Dean of Medicine, re-established in 2002, is appointed by the University Court, but the other three Deans are currently elected by their Faculty constituencies. Their term of office is three years with a possible extension of one year. Deans appoint other Faculty Officers and Pro-Deans and convene Faculty Business Committees. The Faculties, comprising all their permanent staff, have one formal meeting annually, towards the end of each acadmic year. Faculty meetings review matters that have arisen duiring the year and provide a vehicle for communication across the academic community and advice for the Deans and Pro-Deans.
The Faculty Business Committee's recommendations are considered throughout the year by the Teaching, Learning and Assessment (TLA) Committee, a standing committee reporting to Senate and Academic Council. The Faculty Business Committees, comprising the Faculty officers and any other co-opted members, meet in advance of each TLA committee to dispatch routine affairs and review issues arising from the implementation of policy or course proposals, highlighting issues which may need discussion in the wider forum of the TLA.
Management Group
As of January 2002, the former Executive is now replaced by a wider Senior Management Group, consisting of the former Executive together with (inter alia) Deans and some Directors of Units.
The following are as of January 2006:
List of current Management Group personnel
List of personnel in the Office of the Principal
Student participation
There is ample scope for student participation in University government, at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. All matriculated students of the University have the right to vote in the election of a Rector who holds office for a three-year period and chairs the University Court. The Rector appoints an Assessor who is also a member of the University Court and is usually a student.
In addition, the University Court has two ex officio student members: the President and the Director of Representation of the Students' Association. There are student representatives on the Senate and the Academic Council. Students also have representatives on a wide range of University committees. The SRC itself exists to represent students on all matters and is the recognised channel of communication between students and the University authorities.
About the University
Facts and figures
General Council
History of the University
How others see us
Museums and Collections
The University today
University arms
University Chapels
University Court
University Government and Organisation
The Chancellor
The Rector
The Senior Governor
Related Links
Freedom of Information
Constitution of the University
Committees of the University
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