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, -: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Russia and Belarus, Edward Rutherfurd. Russka. The novel of Russia. , - , . -, . . , , .
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"". " ", "", """ - ; Moscow, tsar, troika, borshch, balalaika, samovar - .
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, , . (lux, polu-lux, turbaza etc.), (marshrutka, GIBDD, provodnitsa), , (uslovnye yedenitsy, bankomaty, ruble) (bliny, zakuski, bufet, shchi, chicken Kiev etc.), , (UFMS, OVIR, glavpochtamt, skoraya pomosh, apteka etc.), , ..(dacha, banya, venik, Noviy God, Paskha etc.)
" ": , () . : , . , : The biggest improvement of the transport system in recent years has been the spread of minibuses marshrutnoe taksii, or marshrutki .
, .. : "sobor: Far more important was Vladimirs second church, the Cathedral of the Dormition of the Virgin (Uspensky Sobor), known as the Desyatinnaya or Church of the (Virgin of the) Tithe from the fact that Vladimir, in regulating the ecclesiastical institutions of Russia, dedicated to it a tithe of his income"
"": "These elders ("Startsy" in Russian) were men distinguished by their understanding of the most intricate problems of human life, and by their power to help others along the road of perfection. (Zernov, 132)
After several years of solitude his [Sergius of Radonezh] place of retreat became known, disciples gathered round him, and he grew into a spiritual guide, an elder, or starets. (Ware, 93)
Although the elder has been a characteristic figure in many periods of Orthodox history, nineteenth-century Russia is par excellence the age of the starets."
, , . , -, , , Hotel Pulkovskaya, ulitsa Tverskaya, Sennaya ploschad. . : ulitsa, prospekt, naberezhnaya .
, , , . . , -, .. , , . , . - phrase book, - .
, , . , , , , , : Cossack, Crimea, Moscow, Russia, steppe, Tchaikovsky ( Chekhov, [] ), , Peter the Great, Catherine, Paul, Alexander, Nicolas, . , , . Library of Congress (US), British Standard (UK). , "" "", .
. , , , , . , , . , : Altai, balalaika, beef Stroganov, Chekhov, commissar, dacha, Five Year Plan, glasnost, Gorbachev, Gulag, intelligentsia, shashlik, Kalashnikov, KGB, Khrushchev, knout, troika, pogrom, tundra, tsar/czar, War and Peace, Yalta (conference), Yeltsin. , , . Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English , :
Bolshevik :
1) someone who supported the Communist party at the time Russian Revolution in 1917
2) old-fashioned: an insulting way of talking about a communist or someone who has strong left-wing opinion
Gulag - one of a group of prison camps in the former USSR, where conditions were very bad
Dacha -a large country house in Russia
"" , "" country house country cottage, , , . The Oxford Russian-English Dictionary :
1) dacha (holiday cottage in the country in environs of the city or large town)
2) forestry, piece of woodland
, , "". , Lonely Planet: "At least 30% of Russians have one of these small country homes. Often little more than a bare bones hut (but sometimes quite luxurious) these retreats offer Russians refuge from city life and as such figure prominently in the national psyche. On half-warm weekends, places such as Moscow begin to empty out early on Friday as people lead to the country.
One of the most important aspects of dacha life is gardening. Families grow all manner of vegetables and fruits to eat over the winter. A cherry tree will be fussed over for years; hearty crops of potatoes and cabbage will be nurtured through the summer. Flowers also play an important part in creating the proper dacha ambience, and even among people who have no need to grow food the contact with the soil provides an important balm for the Russian soul."
, , , , .
, : " This "False Dmitry" gathered a huge ragtag army as he advanced on Moscow. Boris Godunov conveniently died, his son was lynched and the boyars acclaimed the pretender tsar. Thus began the Time of Troubles, or Smuta, a spell of anarchy, dynastic chaos and foreign invasions." , tsar boyars - , , "False Dmitry" , "Time of Troubles"- , Smuta-, , .
, , , . , : , , , .., ; .
: "Kronstadt (Russian: ́), also spelled Kronshtadt, Cronstadt (German: Krone for Crown and Stadt for City) is a Russian seaport town, located on Kotlin Island, 30 kilometers west of Saint Petersburg near the head of the Gulf of Finland". , , , .
: "Tsarskoye Selo (Russian: ́ ́; "Tsar's Village") is a former Russian residence of the imperial family and visiting nobility, located 26 kilometres (16 mi) south from the center of St. Petersburg. It is now part of the town of Pushkin".
: "Petergof (Russian: ́) or Peterhof (Dutch/German for "Peter's Court"), known as Petrodvorets () from 1944 to 1992, is a municipal town within Petrodvortsovy District of the federal city of Saint Petersburg, on the southern shore of the Gulf of Finland".
: "Shlisselburg (Russian: ́) is a town in Leningrad Oblast, Russia, situated at the head of the Neva River on Lake Ladoga, 35 kilometers (22 mi) east of St. Petersburg. From 1944 to 1992, it was known as Petrokrepost"
" ": "Leningrad Oblast (Russian: ́ ́, Leningradskaya oblast) is a federal subject of Russia (an oblast). It was established on August 1, 1927, although it was not until 1946 that the oblast's borders had been mostly settled in their present position. The oblast was named after the city of Leningrad".
. -: "Saint Isaac's Cathedral or Isaakievskiy Sobor (Russian: ́ ́) in Saint Petersburg, Russia is the largest cathedral (sobor) in the city and was the largest church in Russia when it was built (101.5 meters high). It is dedicated to Saint Isaac of Dalmatia, a patron saint of Peter the Great who had been born on the feast day of that saint".
: "The Peter and Paul Fortress (Russian: ́ ́, Petropavlovskaya Krepost) is the original citadel of St. Petersburg, Russia, founded by Peter the Great in 1703 and built to Domenico Trezzini's designs from 1706 to 1740"
, Ave Maria Press: "Russian icons are typically paintings on wood, often small, though some in churches and monasteries may be much larger. Many religious homes in Russia have icons hanging on the wall in the krasny ugol, the "red" or "beautiful" corner.
There is a rich history and elaborate religious symbolism associated with icons. In Russian churches, the nave is typically separated from the sanctuary by an iconostasis (Russian ikonostas , ), or icon-screen, a wall of icons with double doors in the centre.
Russians sometimes speak of an icon as having been "written", because in the Russian language (like Greek, but unlike English) the same word (pisat', in Russian) means both to paint and to write. Icons are considered to be the Gospel in paint, and therefore careful attention is paid to ensure that the Gospel is faithfully and accurately conveyed.
Icons considered miraculous were said to "appear." The "appearance" (Russian: yavlenie, ) of an icon is its supposedly miraculous discovery. "A true icon is one that has 'appeared', a gift from above, one opening the way to the Prototype and able to perform miracles""
, - 2008 : "The Sensation World Tour will visit Russia: Sensation will attend Saint Petersburg, the "Northern Venice" of Russia, one of the most attractive and beautiful cities in Europe. St. Petersburg is considered to be the Russian dance capital due to country's largest dance festivals that take place in the city all year round. National dance FM-station Radio Record is the main promoter of these events and is the one who will empower Sensation in Russia.
Sensation will take place at the SKK Arena (St. Petersburg Sport and Concert Complex), the largest in-door sports hall in the North-West of Russia. The venue can host over 20 thousand people."
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, :
1. , . . , , . 2. , , . (lux, polu-lux, turbaza etc.), (marshrutka, GIBDD, provodnitsa), , (uslovnye yedenitsy, bankomaty, ruble) (bliny, zakuski, bufet, shchi, chicken Kiev etc.), , (UFMS, OVIR, glavpochtamt, skoraya pomosh, apteka etc.), , ..(dacha, banya, venik, Noviy God, Paskha etc.) 3. " ": , () . : , . 4. , , , , .
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, , , , , . , .
, " , . , , . . , ".
, . . , , .
, , . (lux, polu-lux, turbaza etc.), (marshrutka, GIBDD, provodnitsa), , (uslovnye yedenitsy, bankomaty, ruble) (bliny, zakuski, bufet, shchi, chicken Kiev etc.), , (UFMS, OVIR, glavpochtamt, skoraya pomosh, apteka etc.), , ..(dacha, banya, venik, Noviy God, Paskha etc.)
" ": , () . : , .
, , , , .
1. .. . - . Studia Linguistica XI. .: 2002. . 182-193
2. .. . . .:-, 1998.
3. .., .. . .: - - -; , 2004 336 .
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5. .. . .: , 2001.
6. .. . - .:Academia, 2009 -224 .
7. .. -. . - .: "", 2004
8. .. The Dictionary of Russia ( 2500 cultural terms). - . - .: "", 2002.- 576 .
9. .. : . .: , 2005 - 352 c.
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11. .. . .: . , 1974. 216 .
12. - . .: , 2004.
13. V. Evans, O. Afanasyeva, I. Mikheeva. Click on Russia. Express Publishing-CenterCom, 2003.
14. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.
15. Russia and Belarus. Lonely Planet Publications, 2003.
16. Edward Rutherfurd. Russka. The novel of Russia. Crown Publishers, Inc. New York, 1991.
17. Marcus Wheller. The Oxford Russian-English Dictionary. Oxford, At the Cladernon Press,1972.
18. Weinreich U. Language in Contacts. New York: Linguistic Circle of New York, 1953 148 p.
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