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Triple Play Plus (Multimedia Teacher 3), 1997 . , , , ( ) , ( - //). - . . . . , , . . . , (). : Food and Drink; Numbers: Home and Office: Places and Transportation; People; Activities. .
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Euro Talk , , : Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced. . , ( ) Euro Talk. .
Learn to Speak English (2 CD). , 30 -, , , , . . - .
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Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs , . , . http://www.bell-labs.com/proiect/tts/index.html - , , , , . - . , . , , , . , , , .
- . , , - . , , .
web-. , , , MEDIA LINKS (<http://www.mediainfo.com/emedia/>), .
Media :
the washington post (<http://www.washingtonpost.com/>)
, , - . , , , , . , web- , .., , . The Washington Post 5 : (news), (style), (sports), (classifieds) (marketplace).
. , , . - send us feedback, . " " ("Today's Columnists"), . - .
CNN World News (<http://cnn.com/worid>),
ABC News (<http://www.abcnews.go.com/index.html>).
BBC World Service (<http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice>).
The Washington Times (<http://www.washtimes.com/> )
The New York Times (<http://www.nytimes.com/>) - . , .
World Service (httrj://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice) , , , LEARNING ENGLISH. - . CONTACT US,
ABC News (http.V/www.abcnews.go.com/index.html) . CHAT.
CNN World News (http://cnn.com/WORLD) . . DISCUSSION (), (MESSAGE BOARDS), (CHAT) (FEEDBACK). The New York Times .
, , : , , , . : , - .
, . , . , .
, , , . . : , , , , , . , . .., , , , , - , - - .
, , , , .
, . , . THE YOUNG VOICES OF THE WORLD (<http://wwwl.fiikui-med.ac.ip/kuzuryu/>) - , , , . , .
Language Learning Activities for the World Wide Web WWW - , (, , ). : , , , , , , , , , , , , .. .
, :
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1. TESL-L (computer-assisted language learning sub-branch listserv@cunvvm.cunv.edu/listscrv@cunyvm.bitnet) TESLK-12 (listscrvfojcunyvrn.cuny.edu);
2. - (Intercultural E-Mail Classroom Connections <http://www.iecc.org>, <http://www.stolaf.edu/network/iecc/>), : , , ;
3. E-mail for ESL/L1NC Students http://edvista.com/clairc/linc.htm e-mail, , , , , , .
E-mail- , . , , -, . . .
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1. .. // , 2001. - 2. .25 29.
2. .. .: , 1991.
3. ., . . .: , 1988.
4. .., .. : . .: . 1996.
5. . . ., 2000.
6. / . . . . .: , 1982.
7. . . . ., 1994
8. . . : . . . . . . ., 2003
9. . . // . 2005. - 2. .162-166
10. . . . ., 2004
11. . // .- 1998. - 3. . 95-96
12. . . // . 2006. - 2. . 43-44
13. . ., . . // . 2007. 5. . 16-17
14. .. . .: 1975 .
15. . . - // . 2006. - 2. . 49-59
16. .., .. . .: 1968 .
17. .. : . .: : , 2005
18. .. : , ., 2001.
19. . . // . 2006. - 2. . 61-63
20. .. // . 2002. - 4. .60-64.
21. . ., . . // . 2006. - 2. . 29-36
22. .. // . - 1995. - 1. .102-103.
23. .. // . 1995. - 3. .18-21.
24. . . // . 2006. - 2. . 34-36
25. . ., . ., . ., . . . ., 2001
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Triple Play Plus
: "Hello, Computer" (. .. )
: , , .
, ,
, ,
, ,
: , :
) , ,
) vocabulary,
) The Computor Quiz,
) text The Language of Computors,
) ,
) Quick Chat.
I. Presentation of the Lesson
- Good afternoon dear friends. Im glad to see you in our computer class. We shall have an unusual lesson. Today we shall say : Hello, computer! At this lesson you will:
a)learn about computers, work with a computer and discuss the problem of computer education.
b)Learn the vocabulary on the topic
c)Develop reading skills
d)Work with Word and Chat programmes and send messages
e)Youll answer questions
f)At last we shall make ourselves sure that computer helps to improve English and makes our studies more pleasant.
II. Safety Engineering.
Before starting the lesson, read the Safety engineering please. (The Safety Engineering rules are on the displays of the computers)
Safety Engineering
While working with a computer, be sure that the desk is suitable. The display should be 60-70 cm far from your eyes and the distance from the keyboard is 30-40 cm. |
III. Presentation of the vocabulary: (p 180)
System block , Display, Software, Mouse, Mouse pad, Keyboard, Hard Disk Driver, Floppy Disk Driver, Screen | The main parts of the computer |
Some more words to use the computer in a proper way:
a) A bug an error in the programme
A flame an unfriendly e-mail
A geek (a haker) a person who knows everything about computers
b) To press to use force gradually
To look up to search for smth
To surf to move around the internet
c) w.w.w World Wide Web
English letters are black on the keyboard.
IV. Discussing of Computer Uses from A to Z ( )
- Once upon a time there were no computers, no video games, CD-ROM players, modern TV, fast phone connections,etc. A lot of things were not possible. But now the world is quite different and we cant imaging it without computers. Can you tell me where computer is used.
(Banks, cartoons, fax machines, games, hospitals, industrial robots, jet planes, libraries, newspapers, TV, sports, washing machines, X-ray scanners.)
BANKS How do we use computers in banks?
Computers in banks can transfer money from one account to another.
CARTOONS- How are computers used in cartoons?
Computers can be used to organize thousands single pictures used to make cartoons.
Computers in fax machines are used to send and print the signal from machine to machine.
GAMES- How are computers used in games?
- Some games such as chess can be played with the help of computers.
HOSPITALS What is the usage of computers in hospitals?
A hospital patients health can be analyzed by a computer.
INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS What can you tell about industrial robots?
Some companies use computer controlled robots.
JET PLANES How do people use computers in jet-planes?
Computers help guide planes by giving pilots important information such as speed and altitude.
LIBRARIES What is the usage of computers in libraries?
Books and other materials are checked out by using computers. Each book has a bar code.
NEWSPAPERS How do computers work in newspapers?
Reporters write their articles on the computer.
TELEVISION What can you say about TV?
Computers are used to control much in television.
V. Information about the leading companies ( , ):
- :
: I Program files I Q Basic I Crossword ( QB () )
( , ).
Remember safety instructions, please.
If you make a mistake, the programme will not work.
a) Do this puzzle and youll read the name of one of the most successful computer companies.
1. This small box is used to operate a computer. (mouse)
2. A document on your computer.(file)
3. A device which is used to transfer ph otos and texts to your computer.(scanner)
4. To make a computer better or able to do more things.(upgrade)
5. This looks like a typewriter and has the keys you need to press (keyboard).
6. It can be hard. It can be floppy. (disk)
7. A device which allows your computer to send messages along a telephone line. (modem)
8. An unfriendly or rude e-mail. (flame)
9. To start a computer. (boot)
b) Information about the Microsoft. ( Microsoft)
In 1975 two friends: Bill Gates and Paul Allen started Microsoft and very soon it became a business success. In 1980, Gates bought a small company which produced an operating system called DOS. He made some changes to it and renamed it MSDOS.He sold the rights to use this system to IBM. Since 1980 MSDOS has been the standard operating system for all PCs. Microsoft has also developed such well known programmes as Windows, Excel and Internet Explorer.
VII. Work with Word. ( Word)
Well use computers to improve our English.
On the screens you see the text The Language of Computers Look at the wordlist. There are some extra words, you need for better understanding of the text. The task is:
1) Read the text once and find what is said about the first computer and about computers of the nearest future.
2) Answer the questions.
3) Find Passive constructions in the text.
Chip Wrist To realize Bank account brain |
- , - - ( ) - - |
50 years ogo people hadnt even heard of computers and today we cannot imagine life without them.
Computer technoligy is the fastest-growing industry in the world. The first computer was the size of a minibus and weighed a ton. Today its job can be done by a chip the size of a pen head. And the computer revolution is still going on. Very soon well have computers that well wear on our wrists or even in our glasses and earrings. Such wearable computers are being developed in the USA.
Japans biggest mobile-phone company has just realized its cleverest product so far, the i-mode, a mobile-phone allows you to surf the Internet as well as make calls. Soon they will be able to buy cinema tickets and manage their bank accounts.
The next generation of computers will be able to talk and even think for themselves. Of course, they will be still a lot simpler than human brains, but it will be a great step forward. Such computers will help to diagnose illness, find minerals, understand and control the worlds money markets, identify criminals and control space travels.
Computer revolution is changing our life and our language too. We are constantly making up new words or giving new meanings to old ones.
1. What size was the first computer?
2. What types of computers are being developed in the USA now?
3. What are people using the phone for?
4. What will the next generation of computers be able to do?
5. How is the computer revolution changing our life?
VIII. : ( )
- Computers are widely used in high and secondary schools now. They help students to improve their reading and writing, arithmetics and geography. Students say that computers make learning fun and easy.
) HUB , . , ..
) WWW World Wide Web ( )
, World Wide Waiting ( )
IX. . Quick Chat - .
( Quick Chat)
Doing this task you should send a message to your classmate about yourself (5-6 sentences).
Who recieves a message, check it and find out if there are mistakes in it.
X. Summary
- We have learned and trained vocabulary on the topic.
- We worked with Word and Chat programmes and sent messages.
- You have done the puzzle. I thank you, children. Good bye!
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